Chapter 41

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We walked further into the dungeon and the swamp just got deeper and deeper.

Cori spoke up.

"Troll, 50m to our left."

I turned and ran towards it immediately. 10 seconds later I was face to face with the creature. It was pretty much identical to the last troll we encountered.

I erupted into flames and turned on my inspect skill.

[Lv. 152]

I smirked and sprinted towards the troll. It awkwardly moved its long arms around and charged at me as well.

In one flaming strike I sliced the troll's head clean off. This time I made sure to leave fire residue behind.

The body of the troll fell to its knees and the flames of my attack burned brightly along the area where I cut. Just to be sure I lunged in for a final blow and sliced its body in two while releasing a large amount of fire magic inside the corpse.

Moments later the beast was burning to ash. I heard the ringing that confirmed this troll's demise.

[Level Up]

[Level Up]

I could see Cori and Talia running up behind me about 10m away. I did sprint off alone, maybe I should have waited.

The ashy corpse of the troll started to glow blue, I stepped back and saw that it was just a text box...

[Use Absorption]

Skill: Self Regeneration


I chose [YES] and stood there curiously over the ashy body as it disappeared. It let me use my skill this time?

The only explanation I can think of is that I landed the final hit. Maybe that's a hidden condition for my absorption skill. It makes sense.

I opened my status to check it out.

[Status Open]


Name: Jay Soju

Level: 144

Hp: 725/725

Mp: 530/725

Strength: 347 [+125]

Speed: 412

Agility: 430

Defense: 310 [+124]

Mental Strength: 347 [+69]




Combat Magic [Fire Summoning]

Inspect [Special Grade]

Enemy Detection

Body Hardening[Special Grade]

Self Regeneration

Items Equipped:

Golden Wolf Ring [+20% Mental Strength]

Cyclops Eye Pendant [+40% Defense]

Stainless Steel Sword [+125 Strength]


Cori and Talia arrived seconds later. I'm glad they didn't see me kill that troll, its a blessing in disguise that I'm so rash sometimes. I don't know if anyone else can see my absorption text. I've never tested it out, and today isn't the day to do so.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now