Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

Looking at her, it suddenly dawned on me as to why the boys were troubling her. Anger clouded my vision and I tried hard not to spit out the next words. "They were bullying you because you wear a hijab, weren't they?" I asked and she slowly nodded.

"You don't have to worry about me. I can handle them. But thanks for saving me, Marcel." She had a soft voice, I noted and tilted my head a bit, feeling intrigued by her.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. A small smile came on her lips but still she didn't look at me.

"Everyone knows your name. I am in the same Chemistry and Biology class as you as well."

"What is-" The bell suddenly rang indicating that lunch has started and she mumbled a small 'Got to go.' before leaving me in the empty hallway.

Things just got a bit interesting.

"Marcel Smith, report to the principals office." A voice rang out and I got up from my lunch table where I was sitting alone. The chatter in the half stopped when the voice came, all eyes stared at me in a hushed silence.

I knocked on the door when I finally found the office after getting a little lost in school.

"Come in." A deep voice called out. I opened the door and saw Max sitting on the chair in front of the desk with a bandaged arm. My mouth fell open at this lads act.

"Mr. Smith, please take a seat." I did as asked and the principal. He looked like he was in his mid fifties, a little chubby on the face. His grey eyes looked at me in interest as they stared at me through the glasses perched up on his nose. He nodded his head towards Max.

"Is it true you twisted his arm? And punched him?" The principal asked. I nodded my head in honesty. 

"I saw him and his friends bullying the girl who wears the hijab. I told him to leave her alone but he didn't listen."

"Mr. Jones! I have warned you before about leaving Ms. Sultan alone, haven't I!?" Max's eyes widened when he realised he got caught in his own trap and I chuckled in my mind. Serves you right! "Haven't I!?" The principal repeated and Max quickly nodded.

"You know the consequences, Mr. Jones. You and your friends, whoever they were, will be serving detention for two weeks after you get over your month suspension. I do not want to hear a word of complaint and neither do I want another complaint about you troubling Ms. Sultan anymore. Is that clear?" Max nodded and quickly exit the room.

"Uh... So can I go as well, sir?" I asked after a few awkward minutes of silence.

"Mr. Styles, I understand that you are a bit rusty on school life but you can't go around beating people." My eyes widened in surprise and he chuckled a bit. "Yes, I know who you really are and no, the teachers don't know about this, only me. I appreciate you standing up for Ms. Sultan but violence isn't the answer every time." He said but I just nodded.

"You will serve detention in the library after school for the week. That should be enough for you right now, Mr. Styles. I will let this one slip but if you get into another fight, I will have to inform Mr. Cowell about it." I sighed in relief.

"Thank you, sir."

"Marcel Smith, is it?" The librarian asked and I nodded. "You can start sorting these books out." She motions towards the carton sitting on the desk. I picked them up and walked down to one of the four aisles the librarian pointed to. A few minutes later I heard a voice.

"Can I help you with that?" 

I turned around to see the girl, Ms. Sultan, as the principal called. "Uh, I ca-can do it myself..." 

Her lips parted in a small 'o'. "Tahira. My name is Tahira Sultan."

"T-that's a beautiful name." I blurted out and felt my eyes widen. A small blush spread across her cheeks. I straightened myself up, stuttering as I tried to correct my previous sentence "I-m sorry- I didn't mean to blurt it out- I did mean it- I mean- ugh!" 

I can't believe this! I'm speechless around this girl for some reason. Me. What the boys wouldn't give to see this! She just smiled and chuckled a little. "It's okay. I just came to help you because it's my fault you got detention on your first day here."

"You don't have to." I said quietly.

"I want to. Otherwise I'll feel guilty." I just nodded with an 'Okay.' and we both got to work.

"That was a nice punch back there." I said after a while.


I nodded. "Did you learn it somewhere?" I asked and she nodded.

"My dad wanted me to learn self defence before we moved here a few years ago." She said. I was a little surprised by that.

"Where are you originally from?" I asked, the surprise evident in my tone.

"I'm originally from India. We moved here about four years ago." She said as she put another book in the shelf.

"They've been bullying you since?" I asked as I turned to face her, my mouth agape.

"They've been beaten by me since. I don't understand why they never learn. Where are you from?" She asked in return.

"Me? I'm from Holmes Chapel."

"You must be knowing Harry Styles then?" She said suddenly causing me to choke on my spit.

"Are you okay?"

"You know Harry Styles?" 

We both asked at the same time. I nodded and so did she. "I'd be living under a rock to not know who he is." She said and I chuckled a bit, placing another book in it's place.

"You a fan?" I asked and was surprised a bit when she nodded.

"Yeah. I heard a song of theirs on the radio. Been a fan since but I just like to listen to their music. Nothing else."

"And your parents don't mind?" I asked and she shook her head, putting the last book in the carton on the shelf.

"They know I know my limitations. Wearing the hijab doesn't stop me from doing anything. It just means that I want to please my Lord. I'll see you tomorrow, Marcel." She said and left before I had a chance to say anything else but I noticed something.

Not once did she look me in the eyes.


AN: Important question. To keep or not to keep? Please give your opinions. Comment, Vote and Follow :)  

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