Chapter 41

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey." I whispered just as Tahira walked past my room. She stopped short and looked in my direction, her face confused

"What is it, Harry?" She asked and I leaned on my door behind me 

"I needed to talk to you about something." I said and she nodded "Oh... Is something wrong?"

I shook my head "Not really. Omar's friend told me that Ahil is going crazy knowing you're engaged to me." I started and she looked down frowning "There's being too much problem for some people, by keeping our secret and I was wonderi-" I got cut off.

"Okay." She said and I smiled knowing she understood what I wanted to say. It still wonders me how we know what the other is about to say before we even say it ourselves.

"How do you plan on doing it?" Tahira asked and I thought about it 

"Twitcam tomorrow? It will be okay if you don't want to show your face to them. Just be behind the camera." I said and she shook her head

"If you're going to do something, might as well do it properly."

We smiled and I cleared my throat "Goodnight, Tahira." I said

"Shabba Khair, Harry." When I looked at her confused she chuckled a bit "Goodnight, Harry." I felt a small 'Oh' escape my lips and gave her a sheepish look to which she shook her head laughing and walked away to her room which was just three doors down mine.

@Harry_Styles: Got a special announcement for you all! Twitcam in half an hour! H

I tweeted the next day after we had had our lunch. Tahira, Niall and I were in my room, the laptop ready for the twitcam I was about to do. When I had told everyone at lunch that I was going to introduce Tahira to my fans, they were shocked but when I had told them the reason why I had suddenly decided this, Omar had given me an understanding look and nodded at me. So here we were, waiting for the given time to come because I didn't want people to miss it.

Half an hour came too soon and I took my seat in front of the laptop and logged in my twitter before clicking on the twitcam option "Woah. Is every fan here?" I asked when the viewer count popped up. It was already saying a million viewers! I couldn't believe it! On the side I could see fans rapidly posting questions

@xxxxx: Are you finally introducing the mystery girls?

@xxxxx: Are you single again?

@xxxxx: Love you guys!

The list went on and on and I chuckled "How has everyone been?" I asked and got random replies by the fans. I replied to some and then cleared my throat "Okay, everyone. I have someone here with me I'd like to introduce you to." I said and just then Niall jumped up next to me

"Hi, everyone!"

"Niall!" I said and he gave me a sheepish smile "Sorry. Continue."

I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him lightly off the bed playfully "Anyway, I'd like to introduce my friend, Tahira. She's my childhood friend whose house I was seen in." I said and Tahira came and sat beside me, a distance away so I turned my laptop towards her slightly

"Hi!" She waved her hand at the camera and I saw the tweets on the side flying by because so many people were tweeting. We could barely catch a read the questions they were asking or what they were saying.

"Can you slow down a bit guys? I can barely read anything. That's how fast you are tweeting." I said and they did thankfully slow down... a bit. I started reading the tweets

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