Chapter 28

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked Tahira the next day. Tomorrow, the boys were arriving with their girlfriends (Zayn and Perrie couldn't come) and the girls couldn't stop asking questions about her ever since Saturday night.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just going to shop for suits. Last minute shopping, you know? That's why I didn't come today." Yup, Tahira wasn't present in school and here I was, waiting for her to show up at the gate. As usual.

"Suits?" I asked a bit confused and she sighed. "Yes, suits. You'll see what I mean on Friday."

"Alright." I said quietly and heard the bell ring from inside the school. "I got to go, classes are about to start." I said and heard her say a 'Goodbye.' before I hung up, heading inside for my first class.

"Finally!" I breathed out as the final bell rang. Today to say the least, was exhausting as in music class, the teacher decided that I should demonstrate and help the rest of the students practise, to become better, even the instruments (even though I can only play the kazoo and a little bit guitar). She was, frankly, very determined as I kept on telling her that I'm just a student in school, and she's the teacher and she should be the one teaching us, but no.

When I reached the spot where I had parked my car, I got the shock of my life. It wasn't there! I looked around and walked a few step in different directions in hope I could find my car but alas, it wasn't anywhere in sight.

My heart started pounding in my chest and before I could do anything else, I felt myself falling forward but quickly caught myself. In that time, legs wrapped around my waist and arms got wrapped tightly around my neck.


"Louis! Can't breathe!" I croaked out and he quickly jumped off me while I took a deep breath of air, letting out a few coughs. I rested my hands on my knees as I bent down and felt him pat my back.

"Sorry, mate. Got a bit excited to surprise you." I waved him off.

"Where is my car?" I asked and he smiled sheepishly. "At your place. I used the spare keys you gave me long back." I just looked at him for a bit before shaking my head at him before standing up straight.

"I thought you were coming tomorrow?"

He shrugged casually. "The girls wanted to meet Tahira early. Thought she'd be here with you so I came to pick you two up."

"She's gone shopping for suits." I said and he raised an eyebrow at me. "Suits?" I shrugged.

"She said I'll get to know about it on Friday." I said and he pouted. "So, she's not here today?" I shook my head. "Nope."

"Harry! Where is she!?" I was greeted by Eleanor at the door to my flat. I raised an eyebrow at her. "Nice to see you, too, El." 

She huffed before giving me a small hug. "You, too. Now, where is she?" I rolled my eyes.

"At her house? I don't know." I shrugged before blindly throwing my bag on the couch.

"Ow, Harry! Watch where you throw things!"

My eyes immediately snapped towards the person the voice belonged to and saw Liam sitting there with Sophia cuddled up to him, asleep.

"Sorry. Didn't see you there." I whispered and then looked at Louis. "Is anyone else waiting to surprise me?" I asked raising an eyebrow and he shook his head.

"Nope. We just came early because they," he said pointing towards Eleanor and Sophia. "Wanted to meet Tahira."

Eleanor pouted and I shrugged. "Look, I honestly don't know where she is right now. She said she was going shopping for suits today. I don't know when though." I said and Eleanor perked up instantly. 

"Shopping?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes." She looked at Louis and the usual silent communication between the two started while I took the single couch beside Liam and Sophia.

"Alright! I'll take you to her." Louis suddenly exclaimed and Eleanor cheered, waking Sophia up in the process.

"What's going on?" She asked groggily and Liam rubbed her arms. "Nothing, babe. Louis is taking Eleanor where Tahira is. That's all." She instantly sat up.

"I'm going with you. Let me just freshen up." Sophia quickly got up from her place and rushed towards the bathroom.

"Even I have to get ready! Be back soon!" Eleanor said and rushed towards the guest room, which I believe was Louis' room when they suddenly turned up. I looked towards both of them but after giving each other a look, they just shrugged. "Girls."

Within an hour, the girls had left with Louis and since Liam had decided to go with them, I was left alone in the flat. Since they were gone, I decided to take the opportunity to complete the chemistry homework I had recieved as well as copy the notes for Tahira since she probably wouldn't be able to get it from someone else.

It was six o' clock by the time they came back home, all of them were carrying a bag though Liam was carrying two.

"Heads up." He said and tossed one bag to me which I caught in my hands.

"What is this?" I asked as I peered inside it to find a black shirt inside with a white embroidered neckline.

"She was buying a suit for Eid when we showed up in the shop. We decided to buy something for ourselves too." Liam said as he sat down on the couch looking exhausted.

"She was literally buying a suit?" I asked confused and Eleanor and Sophia exchanged looks before looking at me wearily.

"No. We won't tell you what she bought, Harry. But she's so amazing! You're a lucky lad, Harry." Eleanor said and I thanked her, smiling to myself.

"But what took you all so long? You've been gone for hours." I asked and closed my chemistry book I was studying from. Louis pointed at the girls, then at me but Sophia decided to explain.

"The suits there were so differently beautiful! It took us long to finally select one. But Tahira helped us make the final decision on it, even though she was about to leave the shop herself when we arrived. And as to why Louis pointed towards you, it was because we couldn't find a good one to match your height, as it should have been according to Tahira. In the end, we could only find a short one for you though." I nodded, accepting the answer.

Though I did wonder why I couldn't see her suit.


AN: Sorry didn't update sooner like usual. Was a bit busy. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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