Chapter 54

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Tahira's P.O.V (Yeshhh)

I've never been so scared. Never had a reason to. But seeing that car, out of control and racing towards the unsuspecting Harry, it scared the life out of me.

I immediately abandoned my suitcase, not giving it a second thought as I ran out of the airport building as fast as I could.

"Harry! Watch out!" I shouted

He turned, obviously confused as to why I was running back towards him but then the screeching of tyres came, alerting him, but it was too late.

As the car hit him, I stopped dead in my tracks in horror as I saw his body fly in the air as if it was made of hay, not bones and muscles. He landed on the roof before rolling down the trunk, falling on the ground with a loud thud, face down.

"Harry!" I screamed in horror, my feet finally moving on my command and I ran towards him.

Kneeling on the ground beside his still body, for a second I thought he was dead but thankfully I felt a pulse on his neck, but it was slow. I grabbed his upper arm, pulling his body back and tried to hold back my scream when I saw half of his face was coated in blood.

Without giving it a second thought, I pulled his head on my lap, pulling off the dupatta (long scarf worn with the suits) that was draped on my shoulders, I quickly wrapped it around his head so that the bleeding could be lessened.

"Harry!? Wake up!" I said patting his cheek repeatedly but getting no response from him. It scared me even more and that's when I noticed the crowd gathering around me "Someone call an ambulance! Don't just stand there!" I shouted cradling his head against my chest, fear at it's most evident in my voice, making it waver slightly.

"Tahira? What are yo... Harry!?" Sophia finally arrived at the scene. She rushed towards me and her hands covered her mouth in shock when she saw the blood on Harry's face "Oh my God!"

"He's not waking up!" I whispered in fear, tears falling down my cheeks and Sophia pulled me into her arms without a second thought "Has someone called an ambulance!?" She shouted and just as she did, the familiar sound of the ambulance came in my ears, but it didn't lessen the amount of fear I felt that moment.

"Move out of the way please!"

Four men broke through the crowd, pulling a stretcher behind them and they immediately picked Harry up when they saw us in the middle. They carefully laid him on the stretcher and I quickly stood up, my legs shaking and the only reason I could stand properly was because Sophia was holding me up.

"Can I come with you, please?" I asked as the men pulled the stretcher in the ambulance and one of them looked at me "Sorry, miss. Only family is allowed."

"But I'm his fiancée! Please!"

This was the first time I had acknowledged it out loud. The man looked at me wearily but then sighed and nodded "Alright, miss. But you'll have to stay back." He said towards Sophia who nodded.

"You go with him. I'll take Harry's car and call the others." Sophia said and I nodded at her in gratitude before climbing into the ambulance. They were checking Harry's vitals inside while I took a seat close to him, hesitantly pulled his scraped hand in mine but I held on to it for dear life.

Please be okay!

Liam's P.O.V

"Can we practise Fireproof again?" Niall asked and I exchanged looks with Louis before nodding "Alright, Niall. Let's do-" I got cut off when my phone started ringing.

The caller ID flashed 'Sophia' so I quickly picked it up "Droppe-"

"Harry got into an accident."

I felt the mike slip out of my hands, eyes widening in horror "What? How?" I asked, the boys giving me odd looks.

"I don't know. He got a call and was answering it. One of my friends called at the same time. The next thing I know, he's had his accident."

"Where are you now?" I asked, a feeling of fear filling my mind "I'm driving towards the hospital. Tahira is with him in the ambulance." Sophia said and I frowned

"She didn't go?" I asked but then Sophia snapped "I'll answer the questions later! Get to the hospital first!" She hung up without a word and I looked at the other two who were looking at me wearily.

"We need to go. Harry got into an accident." Their looks resembled pure horror before we ran out backstage. The security calling us as they ran to catch up but we quickly got into our car before driving off.

We didn't need to ask for directions when we reached the hospital as Sophia had called as soon as she had arrived into the hospital, giving us the details of where she and Tahira could be found.

Harry was in the I.C.U. while Tahira and Sophia had been told to stay in the waiting room until the surgery was over. Though I wasn't ready to see the sight I saw when we burst through the doors of the waiting room.

They both sat there, Sophia having her arms around Tahira in comfort but when I looked at Tahira, I felt myself stumble back aghast.

She had silent tears falling down her cheeks rapidly but eyes staring blankly at nothing in particular. Her hands and clothes were covered in blood. She had her long scarf in her hand but the blood was covering it as if the scarf was dyed in it. It ruined the image I had of her, from seeing her off before she left for the airport. It made me feel nauseous when I realised that blood was my best mates, but more importantly, her fiancé's.

"Oh Jesus!" Louis whispered in horror when he caught sight of Tahira but turned around quickly, his face going slightly green, feeling the same nausea as I did.

Niall had stumbled back against the door, eyes wide as they stared at Tahira's still figure before he slid down on the floor, palms resting on his eyes as if wanting to remove the image from his mind.

Hesitantly I walked towards her but she didn't look as if she was paying attention to us "Ho... How?" I asked as I kneeled down in front of her so that we were on a face to face level.

"He wasn't paying attention... Something made me look back at him and then I saw it... The car... It was out of control... and heading straight towards him... I tried to warn him but-" she cut off as her sobs took over her speech. She buried her face in Sophia's neck as sobs shook her body and the tears fell down my cheeks but I wiped them away.

"He's going to be fine. He's a fighter. He can't give up on us, on you. Not like this."


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