Chapter 42

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Harry's P.O.V

Saying that all hell had broken loose would be an understatement of the millennium. Tweets came flooding in as well as the viewer count suddenly increased and decreased by a few people.

@xxxxx: And mystery solved. What's going on!?

@xxxxx: When did this happen!? How!?

@xxxxx: Do you guys love each other!?

@xxxxx: Harry, when did you ask her!?

@xxxxx: You make a cute couple!

@xxxxx: You weren't forced were you!?

@xxxxx: When is the wedding!?

@xxxxx: You guys realise that Tahira is the reason we have Harry back? #TahiraForPresisdent

The tweets went on like that, some saying that I could do so much better than Tahira, and most supporting her a lot, though the last one made us both laugh a bit. Niall decided it was the perfect time to join us and came and sat on my right, coming in the view of the camera making the fans freak out more. Just then, Tahira's phone started ringing and she excused herself from us and the fans before walking out the door.

"I'll tell you everything. Please, calm down." I said and the tweets suddenly slowed down incredibly, almost to a halt.

"You know that I said that Tahria was my best friend until she had to leave when I was six. I met her again in the school I was sent to. Neither of us recognised each other and we became friends there again. I had this nightmare one night, that Tahira had died. We were... I was ignoring her because we had argued a few days before but she had apologised... That's the night the truth about everything spilled out between us. I went to her house after I had the nightmare... To make myself believe that she wasn't actually dead.

"And no, I wasn't forced to ask her. I... I asked her fathers permission before I did of my own free will. Guys, she really means a lot to me and I don't want her to be sad at any time because of hate tweets or what's being said to her by fans when she's seen in public. I love you all. I really do and I hope that you can love Tahira... Like I do." I muttered under my breath at the end and was thankful that the fans hadn't heard the last part from their tweets.

Niall placed his hand on my shoulder and slightly smiled at the camera "Harry was- is really nervous about your reaction towards Tahira and their engagement. I reckon he would have even kept their marriage a secret to avoid hate for her. But the lads and I, even the girls are really happy to have Tahira with us. She's like a sister I've never had.

"The lads and I would like you guys to accept her like we did. We saw with our own eyes that Harry was himself with her. Even before the truth about their... relationship came out. My request to you all is get to know her before hating on her. She's a really nice person and I know you'll love her like we do. She and Harry are like a match made in heaven if you see how they are with each other on a daily basis."

I chuckled and gave Niall a 'Really?' look to which he laughed and smirked at before nodding.

@xxxxx: I believe you, Niall!

@xxxxx: If the Tommo approves of Tahira, I approve of her too. #CongratsTarry

@xxxxx: This is making me sad and happy at the same time. #CongratsTarry

@xxxxx: You deserve every bit of happiness after what you went through, Harry! #CongratsTarry

Tahira came back in then, her face looking a bit pale and I frowned at her, before placing the laptop on Niall's lap and heading towards her "You alright?" I asked and she shook her head I frowned even more "What's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head again, not replying "Tahira." I said a bit sternly and she blinked rapidly and that's when I noticed the unshed tears.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked quietly and bent down a bit to see her clearly. In return, she just handed me her phone and I frowned when I looked at the screen. It was a whatsapp group chat from what I saw. I scrolled up and that's when I realised why she was so sad.


I can't believe you kept this from us!


No one was suppose to know about this, Sakshi. I just told you that.


That doesn't mean you keep secrets! This is such a big one, Tahira! You couldn't have told us when we were at the mall!?


Like you don't!? How many secrets have you kept hidden from me? Throughout the years I studied with you all. Even now!


That's different, Tahira. You're engaged for crying out loud!


Yeah, I agree with Nikita. This isn't something you should have kept from us.


You guys leave her alone! It's not her fault you guys were blind enough to not notice the rings both Tahira and Harry were wearing at the mall! They were announcing it silently... in a way!

I couldn't believe it. They were being bigger hypocrites from the people in the school and they were supposed to be her friends! I was glad that at least Pooja was defending Tahira unlike some. I would be even more upset if I was in her position "You mind if I say something to them?" I asked and she shook her head "Go ahead."


You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You call yourself her 'friends' and tell her not to keep secrets from you when you are being hypocrites by hiding things from her. Tahira didn't tell you anything because we decided it would be best if no one knew about this as yet. We decided to announce today because it was causing problems for Omar. And it was me who suggested that we don't tell anyone about the engagement. When you don't know the whole story, don't say anything. - Harry.

I pressed enter and gave the phone back to Tahira who looked lost in thought "I think it would be best-"

"If I don't talk to anyone but Pooja from now on. I was just thinking the same thing." I chuckled "We really need to stop doing that."

I was happy to see a smile grace her lips and even she chuckled a bit "We do. But I don't think we'll be stopping anytime soon." I laughed and she shook her head with a smile "It's good though. It-"

"Saves energy? Lazy bones." I said and she grinned sheepishly and shrugged. There was a second pause before we both burst out laughing. Why, we didn't know.

When we calmed down after a while, I wiped a tear that had escaped while laughing and looked at her, a few laughs still escaping her lips and I smiled at her. I hoped that in the future, no matter what happened, I could still make her smile through her tears. That one day I could comfort her without restraints. That one day, I would wipe any tear away from her face and hug her tightly so that she'd know that I'm always by her side.

But I knew I couldn't do that until we were married. And I was going to keep my word to Omar that when we do decide to get married, Tahira would be deciding the when. A throat cleared and I looked at Niall in question while he grinned at me giving us a thumbs up.

The laptop facing us, showing everyone what just happened.


AN: I'm requesting you all to please share this with everyone. I'm not talking about the story but the picture above. We need to do this everyone! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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