Chapter 140

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Harry's P.O.V

Before I knew it, it was a day after Tahira had left for Hajj (she left at night) and things were already a mess.

"Ameera, stop crying, princess. I'm trying to find your bottle." I told Ameera and rubbed my hand on her head but she pushed my hand away, letting out a louder cry. I sighed.

"Patrick, do you know where your mum keeps the bottle?" I asked but Patrick shook his head.

"I think she keeps it in that side pocket, dad." Patrick said, pointing towards the side pocket of Ameera's bag and I quickly opened it but it turned out to be empty. Since Patrick had been with us for two months now, he had gotten comfortable with us and now talked without any hesitation when asked something. But it was only around us boys, Tahira and Ameera. In front of people, he was still the shy, hesitant Patrick.

"It's okay, bud." I said before Patrick could apologise and that's when Louise entered the tour bus but winced when she heard Ameera's high pitched cry.

"What's going on?" She asked and I sighed.

"Ameera needs to be fed but I can't find her bottle anywhere." I told her and she frowned.

"Have you looked around?" She asked and I pointed towards the bunk area.

"It's the only place it could be." I said and she frowned and walked towards ths other side of the bus. To my confusion, I heard her sigh in exasperation.

"Harry." She called and frowning, I walked over to her. She was pointing towards the small fridge we had on the tour bus and that's when I saw the small note stuck to it. I pulled it off the fridge and read.

Heat the bottle for two minutes but make sure it's not burning warm - Tahira

I flushed and cleared my throat "Thanks, Louise." I said and she chuckled. Taking the bottle out of the fridge, she gave it to me and left, but not before giving me a pat on the back.

So that's what Tahira said before she left. I was too distracted by Ameera and Patrick to concentrate on what she was saying properly.

I heated the bottle up for two minutes and checked it to make sure it's not burning warm before quickly heading over to Ameera. I put the bottle in her mouth which immediately stopped her cries. I sighed in relief once they died down.

"Is it safe to come in?" A voice called out and I chuckled.

"Yes." I said and the door to the tour bus opened, showing Liam. "It was really nice of you lads to abandon me." I said and he flushed before shrugging.

"She's your kid. I'm not her godfather." He said in his defence and I chuckled again, shaking my head at him.

"You do realise this is just day one of Tahira being gone? I can't imagine how the coming weeks will pass." Louis said as he also entered the tour bus, being followed by Niall.

"That's true. Is she going to call you?" Niall asked and I nodded.

"She said she'll do it as soon as she can." I told them.

'As soon as she can.' turned out to be the middle of the night.

I jerked awake when my phone started ringing suddenly. With a groan, I picked it up. It was an unknown number when I tried to see who was calling me and hesitantly swiped it to 'answer'.

"Hello?" I asked wearily and heard a familiar giggle.

"Were you sleeping?" A voice asked and I smiled

"I was. I was actually waiting for you to call before I did." I said and heard Tahira chuckle.

"Sorry. Getting a sim that worked here got a little delayed than planned. I called as soon as I inserted it in my phone." She said and I rolled around so that I was laying on my back.

"How's everything there?" I asked.

"It's really overwhelming... There are so many people here. I mean, I knew there would be, but seeing it actually happening..." She trailed off and I nodded, knowing how she felt.

"Just don't get lost, alright? I want you back as soon as it's possible for you to be." I said and heard her hm.

"I'll try. How were the kids?" She asked and I ran my free hand through my hair.

"Ameera had a one hour crying fest because I couldn't find her bottle." I confessed and knew she was frowning.

"But I told you it's in the fridge." She said.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that part when you said it." I said and she sighed.

"And Patrick?" She asked and I smiled.

"He's just fine." I said and she hesitated for a second.

"Are they awake?" She asked and I rolled towards the edge of my bunk and opened the curtain of the one beneath me just enough to look in. Patrick was sleeping, clutching his teddy to him with one arm while the other was wrapped around Ameera who was asleep as well.

"No, love. Sorry." I said and she sighed.

"I'm really missing them." Tahira whispered and I smiled slightly.

"Just them?" I asked and I knew she was blushing slightly.

"Papa is right in front of me." She whispered as quietly as she could and I chuckled.

"Just say yes or no, darling." I said and heard her chuckle.

"No..." She said and I smiled. "Missing me as well?" I asked and heard her sigh.

"Very much. You?" She asked and I smiled.

"I always miss you when you're not in my arms, darling. Even if you're in the same room." I said and heard her clear her throat after a second.

"I have to go now, Harry. I'll call you later." She said and I sighed.

"Okay. Bye, darling."


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