Chapter 105

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Harry's P.O.V

On the good side, I got back at Tahira before we went to sleep that night. On the bad side, Gemma left before I could get her saying that she has to go.

To get back at Tahira, I decided to do a very childish thing. But luckily, it worked.

I sat cross legged on the bed, my back facing Tahira's side as I talked to the sleeping baby in my arms

"Your mum's just mean, Ameera. Making a fool out of your daddy with your aunt. I'm not talking to her anymore." I told Ameera but got Tahira's amused reply instead.

"Yeah, because talking to a three day old baby, who is sleeping at the moment and can't even understand you is better than talking to your wife." She said but I turned a deaf ear.

"Did you hear something? I think my ears are ringing." I said but Tahira laughed.

"Bring it on."

So that night, I didn't pull Tahira in my arms like I did every night. Instead, I lay down and then carefully laid Ameera on my chest, keeping one hand on her back and the other behind her neck, supporting her head as she slept.

To pass the time, I started humming a random song under my breath, patting Ameera's back lightly as I did and Tahira turned towards me, looking at us with a small smile.

"You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've been a dad for a long time. You're so good with her." Tahira said and despite me not talking to her, I smiled slightly

"I learned everything by babysitting Lux... but Ameera... she's my daughter. Had me wrapped around these tiny little fingers the first time I saw her." I said and she smiled. Shifting closer to us, she rested her head against my shoulder while her hand came to rest on Ameera's back.

"I know... The same happened with me when you gave her to me." Tahira said

"Move back." I told Tahira and sat up slowly while she gave me a confused look but complied. Carefully, I laid Ameera down between us and then took her hands out of those small gloves.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Tahira asked and I lay down beside Ameera, taking her small hand in mine.

"I've wanted to do this for a while." I said and put my little finger in Ameera's hand. Her hold immediately tightened on my finger and I smiled, placing a kiss to her hand while Tahira smiled at us "But I'm done talking to you." I said and she groaned

"Harry." She drawled out my name and I pretended not to listen "What's going to make you talk to me again?" Tahira asked and after a few seconds pause, I pointed at my cheek. She gave me a confused look and when she realised what I meant, a blush came on her cheeks.

But nonetheless, she leaned over Ameera and placed a peck on my cheek. "Happy?" She asked but I shook my head and pointed at my nose. She sighed but just as she leaned down, I titled my head up and kissed her.

She pulled back in surprise and I chuckled "Now you're forgiven." I said and she rolled her eyes after getting over her shock.

"Immature, Harry. Really immature." She said and I chuckled "But it worked."

After a week of Ameera being born, our parents had left so it was just us three in the house. But they didn't leave before Ameera got her head shaved on the seventh day of her birth, got a goat sacrificed back in India (Tahira called it an Aqiqah*) and despite my telling Tahira not to, she got Ameera's ears pierced.

I was angry at first when I saw Ameera red faced, small earrings present in her ears as Tahira walked back into the house. But Tahira had just given me a shrug and said it had to be done. When I asked her why, she just it's tradition for girls, and easier because the earlobes are softer as a child rather than as an adult. Though I was angry at Tahira, I knew she was a strict follower of traditions and nothing I could do would have stopped her from getting it done so I let it be after a while.

The whole day I'd just lie on the bed with Ameera by my side.

Sometimes I'd make her hold my finger or sing something for her or just hold her in my arms. Tahira joined me too. She'd lay on her side of the bed, looking at us with a smile and sometimes even joined in when I sang.

And there were times when she sang something softly to Ameera, songs that used to reduce her to tears. And when I asked about them, she just smiled and told me that those tears were in the love of God and His Prophet.

I didn't understand even when she explained it to me. And honestly speaking, this was one thing that I thought I couldn't understand at first. But then she explained using some daily examples. And well, it left me speechless.

Basically, our whole time was spent just staring at our small baby. And much to my inner happiness, I discovered that she really was daddy's little girl.

One day, I had to leave the house to meet up with the management about the new tour and it had gone longer than planned. I was having baby withdrawals the whole time. Wanting to go back home to Ameera since it was the first time I had left the house since she was born or even been away from her. I just wanted to go back and hold her in my arms.

And then Tahira messaged me. The message said that Ameera woke up and hasn't stopped crying since. Even though Tahira tried to feed her and changed her nappy or just walked around the house with her, Ameera wasn't calming down. And had cried harder when Tahira played a song by us, thinking she'll calm down when she heard my voice but it only made her crying worse.

And reading that while I was having my baby withdrawals too, I thought to hell with it. I ran out of the meeting, ignoring everyone who called me back and quickly got into my car before driving off.

Ameera's loud cries was the first thing I heard when I reached home. Tahira was there in the back garden, walking around with Ameera in her arms as she lightly pat her back, rubbing it sometimes too and gave a relieved sigh when she saw me drive in.

"Look, Ameera. Daddy's here." Tahira said, walking towards me and I quickly took Ameera in my arms. Settling her head on my shoulder while my arm supported her up against me, I rubbed her back with the other hand

"Don't cry, princess. Daddy's here." I whispered, walking around the back garden and in a few moments time, Ameera had gone silent. At first, I thought she had fallen asleep, but when I looked at her, she was still awake, looking at my neck. And if I didn't know any better, I would have thought she was smiling.

"That's great. You have her wrapped around your fingers too." Tahira commented with a smile and I chuckled. Walking over to her, I placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm glad it's both ways. I was having withdrawals myself ever since I drove away." I said and she smiled, leaning against my other shoulder. She wiped away the tears from Ameera's face but then gave out a shocked gasp.

"She's smiling." Tahira said and I looked down at Ameera only to see her giving the same expression as before.

"Love, don't you think it's too soon?" I asked but she shook her head

"If a baby can be born laughing, I don't see why our daughter can't smile when she's almost one month old." Tahira said but then shook her head when I have her a look

"She's really smiling, Harry." Tahira repeated and took a picture of us when I didn't believe her. And when she showed the picture to me, I couldn't help but believe her. Ameera was really smiling and I grinned too when I realised it and kissed Ameera's forehead as best as I could.

"Already a demanding little thing."


Aqiqah* :- Is a Sunnat (Tradition). Defined as sacrifice of an animal on the occasion of a child's birth.

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