Chapter 48

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Harry's P.O.V

I immediately pulled back when that thought occurred to me and the boys looked at me confused, tears still glistening their eyes "How will we tell the fans, lads?" I asked and even their eyes widened in horror "I can't imagine how they'll take it." Louis said and we all nodded.

"They'll be devastated. I know that much." Liam said and we looked at him before looking away.

The next two weeks passed in a blur. We tried to hide the fact we were extremely distraught by Zayn's news whenever we were on stage performing. When we had talked to the management about it, they said that they'll break the news to the fans so we won't have to but we should start giving them some jokes about Zayn missing like when Liam had covered Zayn's face when we got a platinum record for FOUR (That was the picture right? I mean the platinum record).

To say fans were devastated was an understatement. When I looked through the trend going on regarding Zayn, I saw some posts of suicide hotlines going around and it broke my heart to see that the fans actually were so heartbroken from the news.

We tried to cheer them up as much as we could through twitter and in the concert we had that night but some stupid tears escaped my eyes, and obviously it wasn't missed by the fans when I wiped them away.

Tahira had called as soon as the concert was over, asking me if I was alright because Pooja had called her saying I was seen crying on stage. It was already news apparently. But I told her I was alright, not wanting to worry her while she was already extremely worried for the exams. She somehow knew I was lying though, so I had to explain to her what I had seen on twitter. To say she was horrified was well, just that.

Our tour was over sooner than we had thought it would. The boys returned to their girlfriends, needing their company for a while but I stayed in America for a few days before heading back to England.

I decided to stay with my family until we had to go to the studio again for writing new songs. The boys and I were determined to make this album the best we had ever made. To show the world and tell the fans that we will still go strong, five members or four.

Tahira's effort in the pre-boards and boards payed off which I was extremely glad about. She scored the highest GPA in class, along with a confirmed admission in the college she wanted to go to in London, and it made me feel very proud of her. 

When I went to surprise her with a gift after she got her result, I was surprised to discover that Tahira was still sleeping. It was surprising because it was three in the afternoon when I reached their place. But Sara told me that Tahira used to stay up the whole night to study, not only the day so she was just getting over the exhaustion of staying up.

And when Sara told me that Tahira didn't want to disappoint me. And not disappoint me in front of the fans either... Not give them, or the world for that matter, a chance to think that I'm engaged to a... not so smart person. I was gobsmacked that she did that for me. But Sara said that's what she thought because Tahira had never showed this much determination to excel in exams before now. And I couldn't help but think that either.

"Good afternoon, sleepyhead." I slightly smiled as Tahira entered the living room with a bowl filled with some rice. Rubbing her palm on her eyes, no doubt still feeling a bit sleepy, and a scarf wrapped loosely sound her head, but still tight enough to not show her hair.

She slightly jumped in surprise when she heard my voice and I couldn't help but chuckle "Harry. Hey. Good afternoon." She said and took a seat on the couch in front of me, Sara joining us a few seconds later and sitting next to Tahira. 

"I thought you were in the bathroom from the silence in the room." Sara said and I chuckled "I just wanted some silence for a while."

"I actually got you a gift. For your graduation." I said and they both gave a surprised look towards me. I went through the bag I had gotten and pulled the rectangular package out, holding it out towards Tahira who took it with a soft 'Thanks.'

"It's not much but I hope you like it." I said and she gave the gift a curious look before opening it. Her eyes widened in surprise and her mouth fell open while Sara peeked at it over Tahira's shoulder "Isn't this that..." Sara trailed off while Tahira nodded slowly. That's when I knew I made the right decision on deciding what to buy her.

It was a book Tahira had mentioned of wanting to buy for years but couldn't because they stopped publishing it. I couldn't read what it was as the name of it was written in... Urdu, if I'm not wrong. Asking around about it turned out to be the right way to start, well with a picture of it I had been shown by Tahira. "How did you find this book, Harry?" Tahira asked in wonder and I smiled "Let's just say I found really influential publishers in London."

She smiled so brightly at that moment, hugging the book close to her while Sara smiled at Tahira's obvious delight. It made me feel very grateful for myself. That I had put in some extra effort in finding the book. It was a bit easier than I had thought it would be, but still a little hard to find.

But it was so worth the look pure happiness on her face.


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