Chapter 21

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Harry's P.O.V

I quickly stood up on my feet ."Niall, mate-"

I thought he was going to run away but he surprised me when he ran up to me and hugged me tightly. The second he hugged me, he burst into sobs while I tried to comfort him. I looked over his shoulder to see everyone except Omar in tears.

"Th-this is a-ll my fault." Niall said in my shoulder but I shook my head and hugged him back.

"It was my decision, Niall. No one else's."

"Why didn't you tell us, Haz?" Liam asked.

"It wasn't your burden to bear." I replied and Louis snapped.

"The hell it wasn't! You should have told us!" He ran up to us and joined the hug. Zayn and Liam were quick to follow.

"How are you all here?" I asked after everyone was done crying. Mum insisted that I sit at her feet so she could run her hand through my hair in a calming motion while I lay my head against her thigh.

"We heard that Tahira got hospitalised so we took special permission from Simon to visit her for the day. I'm glad we had a day off." Zayn said and they all nodded in agreement.

We had our snacks which Sara and mum made and then retired back into the living room. The boys had decided to copy my actions and sat on the floor while Tahira was leaning on Sara , sitting up and Omar sat beside Tahira on one of the couches.

"When are you going to come back then, Harry?" Liam asked and I looked at him confused.

"I still have a few months to go here, Liam." I said and Louis shook his head.

"Harry, if you never really changed there is no reason for you to stay here then. You should come back with us. Today."

Niall cheered up at that. "Yeah! We could just tell Simon the truth then he'd definitely take you out of here!"

"No!" I exclaimed and they looked at me bewildered.

"Why not, mate? Don't you want to have your life back?" Liam asked and I looked away from them.

"None of you will say anything about this to anyone. You were never meant to hear about this anyway!" They looked at me shocked. "I got myself in this mess. I'll only leave then the contract with Simon and Modest! ends. That's my final decision." I said and they looked a bit disappointed but then nodded, agreeing with me.

"So what then? I mean, after you come back, what will you do? We have already been told to start writing songs for our new album, Haz." Louis said and I frowned.

"I don't know about after, but I could write a few songs while I'm here." I said and they looked at each other before smiling at me while I grinned back. Zayn suddenly had a mischevious smile on his face.

"Were my ears decieving me or are you and Tahira really promised to each other?" The boys head snapped between the both of us while we turned red in the face.

"I'm not talking about this!" Tahira said and hid her face in Sara's shoulder while they all laughed.

Louis P.O.V

An hour before we had to actually leave, Harry fellasleep against Anne. We didn't even notice it at first but when Omar called it, saying he knew this would happen, did we notice it. We decided to put him on the couch that we refused to sit on. He slept so heavily that he didn't even wake up when Niall accidentally dropped his leg and it hit the edge of the small coffee table.

Despite their protest, Tahira got up to get a blanket for Harry, since she said she had a spare in her closet. It was when she left that Omar decided to tell us exactly why had he said he knew this would happen. He told us about Harry's nightmare but when he started, Harry had fidgeted and we decided to go sit somewhere else so that he could have a good nights rest. But me being me, I decided to keep an eye on Harry.

It wasn't long until Tahira came down the stairs with a large blanket in her arms. She looked around and saw that no one was there. She spread the blanket a bit before placing it on Harry herself and that cheeky lad was smiling in his sleep.

It wasn't until she was adjusting the blanket did she see that he was still wearing shoes and I could tell she was debating what to do about it. She shrugged and then pulled one of his shoes out and almost fell when she noticed he wasn't wearing socks. Her nose scrunched up in disgust and a few seconds later, so did mine. His feet stunk. Badly. I think that's why she almost fell after taking his shoe off.

She stepped a few steps away and held her breath before taking the other shoe off. She left the room suddenly and came back holding a small cup with two black sticks in it. She placed them on the coffee table and held a match box in her other hand. She lit one match and lit both the sticks. They quickly caught fire and she waited a few seconds before blowing them.

Smoke came out from it and she smelled it while smiling.


I froze and turned around, giving a sheepish smile to Liam.

"Were you spying on her?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and I rubbed the back of my head.

"I guess, yeah." I admitted. No point in lying to Liam if you were caught. He narrowed his eyes at me but sighed as Tahira joined us and I mentally thanked her that she did.

"Aren't you going to join everyone?" She asked and Liam shook his head. "No. Our management just called. We are wanted back so we are leaving a bit early than planned."

"Oh. Should I wake Harry up then?" Tahira asked and we shook our heads. "No, let him get his rest. Lord knows he deserves it." I said and I felt myself frown.

When he had confessed that even I didn't notice his sudden change in behaviour, I felt gutted. I was his best friend and I was ashamed of myself for not noticing it sooner. I knew that something was wrong with him but I was so wrapped up in my own life and my girlfriend, Eleanor, to even ask him what happened.

"We best be off then. You should go and rest, Tahira." Liam said and I rolled my eyes.

"That's his way of welcoming you into the family. Isn't it, Daddy?" I asked and while Tahira chuckled a bit, Liam blushed.

"I'll be okay, Liam. You boys have a safe journey." Tahira said. Niall came up to us after that saying Zayn was waiting at the front door so we all headed towards there.

Omar was standing there with Zayn and they were quietly chatting with each other but stopped when they saw us.

"Thanks for calling us, Omar."

Liam said and Omar smiled. "It's no problem, Liam. Call us once you reach safely." Liam smiled while I opened the door, smiling at them and saying our goodbyes.

A sudden yet familiar flash went off and I quickly shut the door much to the bewilderment of the five people behind me.

"We might be stuck here for a bit. There are paps outside."


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