Chapter 5

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-One week later-

Harry's P.O.V

The morning of the next Monday, I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach that something was going to happen. School hasn't been exactly bearable as I'm being a bit bullied by everyone except Tahira.

We aren't exactly friends but she helps me a lot when I'm confused about something in the curriculum. The girls of the school first came to me when one of them overheard that I was from Holmes Chapel. But when they discovered I didn't know Harry Styles, they just spat words at me and left.

There have been a lot of times this week when I wondered what would have happened if they knew who I really was. Bet they'd be begging on their knees to forgive them and give them their fifteen minutes of fame or even getting the chance of 'changing me'. No way José. I like the way I am now.

"Marcel! Hey! Wait up!" A voice rang out behind me. I turned around to see Tahira running up to me.

This one little girl has had me speechless most of the time. Has me stuttering like a fool whenever I get a chance to talk to her. "Good morning. What's the rush?" I asked as she panted beside me.

"Morning. Woke up late. I can't begin to describe how happy I was to see you still here." She smiled slightly.

"Uh, Tahira?"


I gulped a bit. "I woke up late, too."

She glanced at me for a second in shock.

Wide, and warm, chocolate brown eyes stared at me in astonishment as I stared at her with the same expression. But she quickly looked back down, cutting of the view of those warm eyes. For some reason, I felt myself instantly missing them.

"Oh my God! We are going to be so late!" She groaned. I couldn't help it and burst out laughing "What? Marcel, why are you laughing? You'll get another detention." I took a few steps forward and said over my shoulder before dashing off towards the school building.

"I lied!"

She gaped at me before she started to chase after me. "Marcel Smith! Get back here!"

I was slightly panting as I reached my English classroom. The teacher wasn't thankfully here yet even though the bell had rung a few seconds ago but I was grateful. While walking to my seat something bright caught my eye. When I looked towards it, I felt my heart jump into my throat.

There, with a very fake looking wig, sat Liam. He was wearing a grey jumper, and from what I could see under his desk, shorts. I ducked my head down to avoid him from recognising me while a million thoughts flew through my head. Main one being if the others were here as well.

"Good morning. I'm Ms. Veronica, your temporary English teacher for a while as your old one had to leave due to family emergencies." I looked up and my eyes widened again to see a very familiar jawline greeting me.

It was Zayn.

Despite what I was seeing, I wanted to burst out laughing at his appearance. He was wearing a black wig that fell down till his, fake, chest; a light blue cardigan with a black pencil skirt. I knew no one could tell that they were 2/5ths of a world famous band but I had spent so much time with them that it was easy for me to recognise them. Zayn had started the attendance when he called out my name.

"Marcel Smith?" I raised my hand and he glanced at me with a wicked glint in his eyes.

I could see Liam smiling at me slightly from the corner of my eye. "Leeroy James?"

"Here!" Liam said cheerfully and I burst out laughing but quickly muffled it. Zayn ignored me and continue with the attendance while I wrote a small note for Liam.

You couldn't be a bit more original for your last name, Liam?

I crumbled it up and threw it in Liam's direction and luckily, it hit his table. He looked around and when he caught my eye, he smiled at bit before opening it up. He bit the inside of his cheek after reading it. He hastily wrote a reply down before throwing it back to me and I caught it, opening it up.

We had limited time after tracking you here. We are missing from the world right now... kind of?

Rage suddenly burst through me when I read the last sentence. remembering the rules I had to obey while I was here. I tore another piece of paper from my book and wrote down another note.

Do you want me fired from the band!? I'm not allowed to even talk to you lads on the phone! What the hell were you thinking before coming here!?

I threw it back at him and saw his face fall when he read it. Zayn had obviously noticed this as he walked up to Liam and held his hand out.

"Passing notes on your first day, Mr. James? Hand them over."

Liam surrendered the notes to Zayn without a complaint and Zayn went back to his desk. He opened the notes and a small smile came on his lips when he realised I recognised them, but the smile fell as he tore the notes in small pieces before saying.

"Mr. Smith and Mr. James, please stay back after class."

"What the hell were you lads thinking!?" I asked loudly as soon as the door closed behind the last student.

Liam and Zayn both had sheepish looks on their faces but I glared at them both. "Well?" I asked and Liam cleared his throat.

"Well, we were hoping that you wouldn't recognise us but that obviously failed."

"Obviously." I mummered and Zayn glared at me.

"I don't even know why we were even concerned for you and decided to come and help you here. You look fine to me." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No one asked you to."

"I did, actually." A familiar Irish voice called out behind me. I turned around only to be surprised when two fat and a bit old looking men stood before me.

Niall was dressed in a proper businessman suit with a blonde beard glued on his face, his chin more chubbier. Louis was bald from the top with side hair which were the only visible hair on his head, wearing suspenders with a fat belly. All four of them were smiled smugly at my bewilderment at seeing them all together like this.

"Oh God!" My face fell into my hands and I groaned.

I'm doomed.


AN: The boys are back in action! How did you react to that? Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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