Chapter 33

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Harry's P.O.V

Shocked brown eyes met my expectant green ones. Her eyes shone with disbelief, excitement and... love? Her eyes filled up with tears, blocking the view of the emotions they cried out. I slowly opened the box, showing her the ring, which made her hands clasp on her mouth but she slowly released it too.


I shook my head, knowing what she wanted to say.

"No, I'm not doing this because I'm leaving. I'm doing this because I have realised that there is only one person in this whole world I want to spend the rest of my life with. There's only one person I can see having kids with and growing old with when I think of my future. And after we die, I want only one person to be with me when we enter Paradise together. That person can only be you, Tahira. No one else. Not now, not ever." I said and she started crying softly.

"So marry me, Ladybug?" I asked again and was graced by the slightest nod.


She whispered and I grinned. Taking the ring out of the box, I placed it on her finger while cheers and whoops were heard behind us but I didn't look away from Tahira, who thankfully was looking at me with her eyes shining with different emotions I couldn't completely process because of how happy I felt at that moment.

"I hope you had fun." I said as I drove back to her house to drop her off. Her cousins Farah, Afreen and Rubina were sleeping in the backseat while the others were driving in their own cars.

"I did. You made this night unforgettable, Harry." I grinned but I could tell there was a faint blush on my cheeks, same happening with her.

"And yes, before you ask, I did get Omar's permission before I did this." I said when she opened her mouth but ended up chuckling.

"If you won't mind, I'd like to have a small engagement ceremony tomorrow." I said as we stood on her doorstep. Her cousins had gone inside while I stopped Tahira from entering. Her eyes widened a bit and I chuckled. "Yes. I searched everything up on Muslim marriages." I said and she smiled.

"Okay. Who'll be attending though? From your family?" She asked and I put on a thinking face. "Mum, Gemma, dad and Robin only. They'll be here tomorrow. The boys are already here so I don't think we need to call them." I said and she laughed a bit and nodded. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Harry." She said and I smiled.

"Goodnight, Tahira."

"Harry! Oh, I'm so happy for you!" Mum said as she came up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back just as tight and buried my face in her hair. "Me too, mum." I said and felt a hand smack me on the head.

"Who would've thought, huh?"

"Ow! Stop it, you donut!" I said and hugged Gemma as well after I released mum.

Robin reacted the same way but dad had a proud look on his face when I hugged him. "When do we have to leave?" Gemma asked and I looked at the clock. "In an hour."

"Harry, give me your hand now." Sara said. I gave her my hand and she slipped my engagement ring on my finger. (This is according to Indian traditions. The mothers put the ring on the third finger of the right hand as according to Islam.)


Everyone cheered as mum had already put on Tahira's ring on her hand (again), we were now officially engaged. We were in Tahira's living room, where the boys and their girlfriends, Tahira's parents, her cousins and their parents, my family and the local imam* who Omar had called were sitting. Both Tahira and I were sitting on the couch with our mums sitting beside us. All of us (mainly me and Tahira) were beaming of happiness.

I was wearing my black dress pants, white collared shirt and a black jacket. My hair was quiffed in its usual style while Tahira and her side of the family were wearing their traditional clothes; the long shirt for men and the 'suits' for all the women. 

The boys jumped on me out of nowhere, piling up on my lap making it a bit hard for me to breathe. Everyone else just laughed as they congratulated me but still didn't get off until mum scolded them to leave me be; at which they pouted but listened to her all the same and thankfully got off me.

"Take care of yourself. And give me a call when you reach your home." Tahira said the next day as I loaded my suitcases in my car. I was leaving Knutsford today, in a few minutes now actually, so Tahira had come with her cousin, Zaid, to say goodbye.

"I will. Take care of yourself too." I said, she smiled and I cleared my throat. "I... I might be- no, I know I will be busy a lot when I return to London. But I'll try to call you at least once everyday. Will that be alright?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yes, it's alright. I wouldn't have expected anything less since you've been gone for a year." I nodded. "That's true." 

"Harry, it's time for us to go." Liam said and I looked at him before nodding at him.

"I guess I'll see you later." I said with a sad smile and she gave me one in return. "But you call me whenever. Even if it's extremely late." I said and she gave me a shy smile.

"Okay, I will. Promise."

I smiled but then a car honk broke the moment and I saw Niall giving me a michevious look which I returned with a glare while Tahira chuckled. "You should go now. They're getting impatient."

I looked at her sadly. "I'll... I'll miss you." She turned red but gave me a sad smile

"I'll miss you, too." 

She said before looking down shyly which made me chuckle a bit. I got in the drivers seat since the boys said they were too lazy to drive, I was appointed being the driver. I gave Tahira and Zaid a small smile and a wave before starting the engine and driving off.

And leaving people behind I didn't know would mean so much to me in a year.


Imam* - It is most commonly in the context of a worship leader of a mosque and Muslim community by Sunni Muslims.

AN: So Harry's gone back to London... It had to happen eventually... Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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