Chapter 38

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Harry's P.O.V

His eyes widened and Tahira clung on to me tighter, making me instinctively return the gesture. "You can't be serious. Tell me another joke, please." He scoffed and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Whether I'm serious or not is none of your business." I said and he glared at me. "Well, you can stop lying to me now. We've been engaged since we were kids."

I raised an eyebrow while Tahira glared at him. "I don't see how you could be. Even with her fathers permission." I said and he redirected his gaze at her.

"This is what you've been doing in England? Getting around with guys?"

Before I could say anything, the woman who was sitting on the couch stood up and glared at him. "Ahil! Zaban sambhalo apni! (Mind your language! (Zaban is actually tongue but in that sentence can be taken as language)) you and I both know she's not like that!" 

The woman who had answered the door walked behind her daughter and looked at Ahil's parents. "I think it's about time you left." The parents got up while the mother grabbed Ahil's arm in a tight grip and dragged him out, but not before giving me a glare.

I pulled Tahira a bit away from me so that I could look at her wrist which was already bruising. "Are you going to be alright?" I asked and hesitantly used my fingers to lift her face up to me. I saw hints of unshed tears in her eyes as she gazed up at me and I rested my thumb on her chin while my index finger cupped it.

"You aren't imaging me. I'm really here." I whispered, knowing she still felt a bit scared of Ahil even though he was gone.

"I know you're here... It's just hard to believe you came." She whispered and I frowned.

"Why is that?" I asked and she bit her lip. "I thought you'd want to rest before the tour starts again..."

I gave her a small smile. "I am going to rest. But I wanted to spend time with you too. This seemed like the perfect solution." I said and she smiled but a new voice broke our bubble.

"You must be Harry! I've heard so much about you!"

We jumped apart, both a bit startled by the new voice and we blushed when we saw the three of them giving us a confused but curious look. I felt my hand go immediately to the back of my neck. "Yeah, I am..." 

She smiled at me. "It's nice to finally meet you. I must congratulate you. Your timing for an entrance was perfect." I chuckled. "It's nice to meet you, too..."

"I'm Lubna and these are my parents, Amir and Noor." I smiled at them and gave Noor a sheepish look. "I'm sorry about barging in like that." She waved me off.

"It's alright. You did it to help Tahira, and I'm grateful that you came when you did." I smiled.

"Me too."

"Why don't you sit down, Harry. I'll get you something to eat." Noor said and left the room before I could refuse since Falaq had made sure my stomach was full before she let me come here. Though Niall felt like he was in an all you can eat buffet and Falaq was more than happy to see that he was eating without feeling shy with her.

"You might as well listen. She won't let you leave without you eating anything." Amir said for the first time and I shook my head. "Falaq already fed me too much food before I came here." I said and they all chuckled.

"Just sit, Harry. You won't be able to get out of this one." Tahira said and I looked at her for a few second before complying.

"You already got him listening to you! What's your secret, Tahira?" Lubna asked making us all laugh. We went quiet for a while but then a thought occurred to me. "If you don't mind me asking, who was that lad?" I asked and Lubna pursed her lips. 

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