Chapter 84

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Harry's P.O.V

After returning home, I helped Tahira put all the groceries away. Though I did most of it, not letting her do much but making her sit to her annoyance. But then got over it once I handed the books to her. I inwardly chuckled, knowing that the books will distract her and returned to putting the groceries in their places.

"Get me the ice cream!" Tahira called out just as I put the last tub in the freezer but took it back out, taking two spoons from the drawer as well before heading towards the couch where she was sitting, the book open in her lap as she read through it.

"Thanks." She said as she took the ice cream from me and opened the lid. She placed the book on the coffee table, replacing it with the tub on her lap. She took the spoon I held out to her with a smile and dug in the tub. I sat down beside her, digging in the tub with her and looked at the open book on the table

"You're going to start reading now?" I asked and she shook her head

"Was just going through the contents. I'll start reading a little later." She said and sighed, handing the ice cream tub to me but then took it from me and placed it on the coffee table beside the book.

Before I could ask what she was doing, she sat on my lap and curled up. Putting an arm around my neck and the other around my waist, she placed her head on my shoulder, next to her hand. I wrapped my arms around her, looking at her with a confused look

"You alright, love?" I asked and she nodded "I just feel tired for some reason." She whispered and I tightened my arms around her.

She fell asleep a while later. And so deeply, that she didn't even stir when I moved her so that she was comfortably laying down with her head on my lap. To pass the time, I turned the TV on, lowering the volume when I found a movie to watch.

I tossed the remote beside me, placing that hand in Tahira's hair, running my fingers through it softly and rested my other hand against her stomach. When I looked down at her, she had a soft, barely noticeable smile on her face and I couldn't help but do the same. Bending down, I placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I love you." I whispered against her cheek, brushing the pad of my thumb against her temple lightly. My phone buzzed on the table then, snapping me out of my trance I didn't even realise I was in. The ID flashed 'Liam' when I picked it up from the table and hesitantly swiped it towards 'answer'.

"Hello?" I asked and heard him sigh

"Where have you been for the past day!?" He asked and this time I sighed

"Making up." I said and heard him take a deep breath "Is everything alright between you two now?" He asked

"Yeah it is." I said and he gave out a relieved sigh "Thank God for that! I've really been worried about you two."

"Well... Thanks for that, mate." I said

"Don't mention it. How do you feel about this?" Liam asked and I sighed

"Many different ways... Overwhelmed being on the top. But honestly, now that I think about it more, I'm really excited for this." I said, rubbing my hand over her stomach fondly with a small smile

"Are you planning on telling the others soon?" Liam asked and I frowned

"Not really. I mean, Tahira said that the first trimester can be a little unpredictable. We want to be safe with this before telling everyone." I said and heard him hm

"That's true... Probably a better option too. If this comes out, the paps won't leave her alone." Liam said and I felt myself frown even more. Hadn't thought about the paps...

"Yeah... But we'll see what happens... Can't be too sure of the future..." I trailed off and Liam chuckled

"You'd know that better than most." He said and I couldn't help but chuckle too.

There was so much that happened in the past four years... Meeting Tahira again as a nerd, finding out we're actually promised to each other, getting engaged, married too. And now, almost two years later, we were expecting our first child. It was hard to believe... Never had I imagined I'd be where I am right now when I was sent to Knutsford under disguise.

Tahira stirred then, her eyes fluttering slightly "I'll call you back later." I said and hung up just as Tahira turned her head to look up at me sleepily

"I fell asleep?" She asked, her voice a little hoarse and I nodded with a smile.

"You did." I said then checked the clock on my phone "Half an hour ago." I continued and she slowly sat up, running her hand through her hair before letting out a sigh and slouching slightly.

Frowning, I moved so I was just behind her and positioned my head beside hers, removing the veil her hair had created and put it behind her ear "What's wrong?" I asked softly and she turned her head to look at me. Her face looked weary

"I don't know... I've never felt that tired or sleepy in the middle of the day... It's like there's something wrong with me..." She trailed off and I let out a sigh of relief that nothing major was troubling her, and then I gave her a smile

"It's probably early pregnancy hormones, darling. There's nothing wrong with you, you're just pregnant." I said and moved back, picking up the book from the coffee table, I placed it on her lap and skimmed through the contents and found the page

"See, right there 'Feeling tired or exhausted is a common early pregnancy symptom'." I read the line and she chuckled, looking at me with a small smile "You read it?" She asked but I shook my head

"Heard about it. Thought it would be here too." I said and she laughed slightly, resting her back against my chest and letting out a sigh.

"This is just the beginning... There's so much more to come."


AN: hey everyone, please tell me how the new cover and the summary looks please. Don't hide or be a silent reader! I'm begging you *starts sobbing* Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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