Chapter 57

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Tahira's P.O.V

I felt myself freeze, my breath stopping as the hoarse voice called out.

"A ladybug was saying she missed me."

My eyes traveled up the cast arm, finally landing on those green eyes I missed the most.

Harry was looking at me, a small smile on his lips.

A small chuckle came out of my lips, but got choked by the tears falling down my cheeks in relief "That's a very crazy dream. I didn't know ladybugs could talk."

He grinned at me with a twinkle in his eyes "I didn't either."

And that was all it took for me to lose control of my actions.

It was like watching myself as if I was in a movie. My hands released his and before he could do anything else, I threw myself on his chest in relief, my face burying itself in his neck and my arms wrapping around his waist, just as I started crying.

"Hey, don't cry... Tahira, please." Harry tried to comfort me but it's only increased my sobs. In the end, I felt an arm wrap around my waist, a hand rubbing my back "Sh... I'm fine. I'm here and alright... Look at me, Tahira."

I hiccuped, raising myself up and I looked at him, his hand moving from my back and cupping my cheek, wiping the tears away with his thumb.

Without a second thought, I slapped his chest. Hard.

"Ouch!" He shouted and I glared at him

"How could you be so careless!?" I exclaimed and he sighed "Tahira..." I got up from the bed, my glare not leaving him

"No! Do you know how scared I was!? The boys are out of their minds with worry! And so is your mom! And-"

My rant got cut off when Harry grabbed my hand, giving it a tug I fell back down on his chest but before I could get up again, his arm restrained me.

"Let me go!" I said and he sighed "No. Not this time. Calm down first, then I will."

"Calm down!? You're asking me to calm down when you just got into an accident!? I'm so mad at you because you were so careless with your actions! You've been unconscious for five days, Harry! Five!" I said in slight hysteria and my tears started, making him sigh again.

"It should be here somewhere..." He muttered but before I could ask him what, the bed started moving upwards, making Harry and me sit up on the bed.

"Look at me." He whispered and I raised my head up at him in question. His right hand cupped my cheek "I'm sorry. You're right, it was careless of me to not notice where I was walking. I'm sorry." I sighed, placing my head on his chest.

"I'm just glad you're alright. I was so scared when I saw that car crash into you." I whispered and he hugged me tighter.

"It's over now. I'm still here." He whispered into my crown before placing his cheek there.

My eyes widened suddenly and I quickly pulled myself away from him, walking away from the bed, my cheeks blushing brightly while he looked at me confused before his eyes also widened in realisation, making me blush even more.

That's when Anna walked into the room "You're having a proper meal this t... Harry!" Anne exclaimed and Harry's eyes widened "Mum?" Handing the tray she got to me, Anna rushed towards Harry and hugged him tightly.

"You're awake!" Anne said and I chuckled when I noticed that Anna was hugging him so tightly, he wasn't able to breathe properly by the look on his red face.

"Mum!" Harry breathed out and Anna lightened her hold on him "Oh, sorry, love." I swiftly walked out of the room after placing the tray on Anne's bed and taking my phone on the way out.

As soon as the door closed behind me, I dialled a number which had been calling me everyday

"What did the doctor say now?" John asked

"He's awake." I said and heard him mutter "Finally!"

"How is he?" He asked and I couldn't help but blush "He seems fine. Not in too much pain." I said

"Has the doctor seen him?" He asked

"Not yet. He just woke up five... ten minutes ago." I said and heard him sigh

"Alright. Call me when the doctor has checked up on him."

After he hung up, I immediately called Louis

"Has he woken up yet!?" He asked as soon as he picked up the phone

"Yes. He just woke up a few minutes ago." I said and heard him take a deep breath before releasing his breath with a loud "Yes!"

"I'll tell the other boys. Get the doc to check up on him." Louis said and before I could reply, he hung up.

"Dr. Bartley?" I asked as I knocked on his office door, slightly opening it. He looked at me from his desk

"Yes, Ms. Tahira?"

"Harry is awake." I said and he nodded, getting up from his chair, following me to Harry's room.

"Ah, Mr. Styles. Finally awake I see." Dr. Bartley said and Harry smiled "Finally."

Dr. Bartley then started checking on Harry, occasionally muttering something beneath his breath before nodding "You seem like you've recovered really well. On a scale of 1-10, how much does this hurt?" He said and poked his finger in Harry's shoulder.

"I'd say about six." Harry said wincing slightly and the doctor smiled "That's good."

"Good?" We all asked at the same time and he chuckled

"I've seen patients getting more painful injuries when the get into a car accident, and compared to them, Mr. Styles, you got lucky."

"Can I take this out, doc?" Harry asked, pointing towards the tubes in his nose and Dr. Bartley shook his head

"I'm afraid not. We'll have to do some tests before we can remove it." He said and left, but not before telling us to not feed Harry heavy food.

"Talking about food, yours is getting cold. I want you to finish the whole thing now." Anne said and I chuckled slightly

"Alright, Anne."

"What? You haven't been eating?" Harry asked and I bit my lip, Anne made a face and walked out. 

Smooth, Anne. Smooth.

"I have..." I trailed off when I saw Harry giving me a look "Not really... Alright, Anne had to force me to eat!" I gave in when he kept giving me that look.

He sighed and pat the seat Anne had just vacated and I sat down without another word, not looking at him.

Fingers cupped my chin, forcing my face to look at Harry's "Please don't do this. I mean skip meals. I don't want you to starve yourself because of me." He said and I sighed

"It wasn't because of you, Harry. I just couldn't eat." I said and he sighed, deciding to change the topic.

"How long do you think I'll have these?" He asked and I looked at his cast arm and leg.

"I think three months, max. Why? Already tired of them?" I asked and he chuckled and shook his head

"No. I just don't want to get married with casts."


AN: Guy in casts say what!? Haha. But I know this is getting touchy before the wedding but please just ignore it for now. THE DMD VID OMG!!!!! It was so different but so cute and asdfghh!!! Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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