Chapter 83

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Harry's P.O.V

It felt good to have my wife back in my arms again. Especially good when I got to lay my head down on her lap.

"It's hard to believe there's a baby growing in there." I whispered looking at Tahira's stomach and she chuckled, running her fingers through my hair

"I know, but it'll be obvious in a few months. Maybe then you'll be able to believe it." She said and I chuckled, looking up at her with a smile which she returned "Wait a second... Get up!" She said, something like excitement taking over her face and I complied. As soon as I sat up, she got up and ran into our room.

Coming out a few minutes later, she was hiding something behind her back. A wide smile was on her face while I gave her a confused smile "What is it?" I asked but she shook her head and walked up to stand in front of me.

She held out her hand with a large grin and in her hand was a small square shaped envelope. I took it from her, giving her a questioning look but she just pointed towards the envelope.

I opened it, pulling out the contents which looked like a black picture but then realised it was a sonogram. My eyes widened when I saw a small dot like structure on it but then realised that small dot was actually my child. My and Tahira's child. Growing inside her.

I didn't even realise that Tahira had moved, sitting down beside me until I felt her head rest on my shoulder. "Overwhelming, isn't it?" She asked and I nodded slowly, trying to hold back the tears that pricked my eyes and the lump that formed in my throat.

"Did they give you anything else?" I asked after a few minutes, slowly turning my gaze from my baby's picture to my wife who nodded

"Some vitamin tablets and the do's and don'ts during the pregnancy." She said looking up at me and I gave her a soft smile, adding a soft kiss to her forehead as well.

We stayed silent, just staring at the sonogram picture and I didn't even realise that Tahira had fallen asleep against me until her arms wrapped around mine and she let out a soft sigh after snuggling into me.

I smiled slightly, resting my head against the headrest of the bed. The sleep that had abandoned me in the morning came back, making my eyes feel heavy. After giving the picture a last sleepy smile, I placed it on my lap and closed my eyes.

"When do you want to tell everyone?" Tahira asked me that night. We were back into our room and all of Tahira's clothes were back in the closet. We were spooning right now. I was resting one hand on her stomach, the other was going around her shoulders to keep her close to me while her hands were on mine, holding them close to her. She was looking up at me sideways and I shrugged

"When do you want to?" I asked in return and she rolled her eyes playfully, making me grin but then she turned serious

"I was thinking... maybe we should do it after we pass the twelfth week. Because the first trimester is a little unpredictable." Tahira said and I frowned but then nodded

"Maybe... But have you told Sara about this?" I asked and she shook her head

"You're the first person I told. Then Liam guessed it after he dropped you off." She said and I sighed

"I'm really sorry for that." I whispered and she sighed

"I know you are. But just don't pull a stunt like that again." She whispered and I nodded, pulling her much closer than I thought I could have


Fruits, fruits, fruits...

The word rang in my mind the next day as I pushed the trolley towards the fruit aisle at the supermarket the next morning. We were running low on fruits at home so both of us had come to get all the groceries we needed at the moment and after this, we were going, trying to be unspotted, to buy some pregnancy books we will need for reference.

Tahira was taking stuff off the aisles we passed which we apparently needed at home (though I didn't see why we needed to buy three big tubs of chocolate ice cream at once) but I gave up that answer to hormones.

"Really?" I asked Tahira and she nodded quickly, placing the watermelon into the trolley

"I really want to have it." She said, emphasising on the 'really' and I sighed, adding some oranges and bananas to the trolley as well.

After buying the groceries, Tahira and I were en route to find a book store which could provide us the books we needed as well as the privacy we needed to buy them with.

We soon did though. It was a little distance from our flat but it seemed private enough. There was an old lady sitting behind the counter, reading a tattered, faded, old book but smiled when she saw us walk in.

"Hello, loves. How can I help you today?" She asked and Tahira and I exchanges looks but then she shrugged and gave the old lady a smile

"We're actually looking for books on pregnancy..." Tahira trailed off and a big smile spread across the old lady's face

"I know just what you need! Follow me please!" The librarian said and walked from behind the counter towards the last aisle. Tahira and I followed her silently and as she reached an aisle and ran her fingers through books on the shelf until she pulled one out and handed it to us "This book covers all the basics you would want to know. If you're looking for a very thorough one, take these." She said, handing us two more books

"Is this all?" I asked, taking the two books from her and she smiled 

"Yes. These cover everything you will need to know. First time parents, I'm guessing?" She said and Tahira blushed which made the librarian smile even more "C'mon, let's get these books purchased now." The librarian said and we followed her back to the counter.

"Can you please not tell anyone we were here?" I asked the librarian as she handed us a bag which had the books and she gave a me quizzical look but then hesitantly nodded.



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