Chapter 15

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Harry's P.O.V 

My eyes shot open and I quickly sat up on my bed. I was panting heavily, and I was drenched in sweat. When I tried to remove the hair that clung to my forehead, I noticed my hands were shaking badly as that sadness and fear I felt at the end of the dream still remained, making my heart pound in my chest.

I got out of bed and tried to drink water to wet my parched throat in the kitchen. My hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't even hold the glass properly. The dream felt so real that I had a sudden need to confirm whether it was a dream or not. So without another thought, I quickly dressed myself before collecting my keys and heading out. 

I rang the doorbell to Tahira's house repeatedly and my hands were still shaking. My breath came out ragged while I impatiently paced the porch of her house.

"Marcel? What are you doing here?" Her voice reached my ears. I turned around quickly to find her standing there, safe and very much alive.

As soon as I saw her I felt the sense of relief spread through me. "Oh, thank God! You're alive!" I said and suddenly, for the first time in two years, I cried.

Without thinking about it twice, I pulled her into a tight hug and rested my head against her shoulder. She struggled for a bit but when she felt her wet shoulder she realised I was actually crying. "Marcel? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I shook my head in honesty. She awkwardly stood still in my arms, letting me cry on her shoulder for some reason. 

"Tahira? Whose at- what is going on here!?" I heard Omar shout. I quickly released Tahira from the hug.

She took a step back while I wiped my tears before Omar could see but I was a little late for that "I-I'm s-sorry. I don't know what came over me." I said as Omar pulled Tahira behind him and noticed my red, tear-stained face.

I saw his face soften a bit and the anger disappear from his eyes. "Is everything okay, Marcel?" I quickly nodded. "Yes. I just had a terrifying nightmare is all."

I looked down and felt Omar pat my shoulder. "Come on in." I knew he wanted to know what was the nightmare about and why had I come to Tahira out of everyone in the town.

"I hope I didn't wake you up." I said and Omar smiled. "You didn't. We were just having our sehri.*" I nodded. When I followed them into the kitchen, I saw Sara sitting there with a concerned look on her a face when she saw mine. 

"She died." Was the first thing I said after Omar had taken me into his study an hour later. Omar had said his Fajr* prayer before taking me there (Sara told me about it before going to her room).

He froze for a second before sitting in front of me. "How?" He asked and I suddenly felt a bit shy to answering that but I cleared my throat.

"She lost too much blood." I said and I guess Omar understood as to how when his eyes widened but thankfully didn't comment on it.

"Do you like my daughter, Marcel?" He asked. I felt my eyes widen and I quickly shook my head.

"No! She's just a friend to me, Omar. I promise." I said and saw him relax a bit. "Marcel, I want you to tell me exactly what happened in your dream. Even if it makes us both feel uncomfortable." I gulped a bit before nodding.

So I told him everything. When I came to the end, I saw him pale a bit. And when I mentioned 'Ameera', he raised his eyebrows in what seemed to me like shock. I finally finished telling him about everything and he stroked his beard.

"Has she ever talked about kids with you?" I felt confused.

"Never." I felt my confusion rise when he paled even more.

"Don't lie to me, Marcel. Please."

"I'm not, Omar. Why would I lie about this?" I asked and he looked out the window.

"Tahira has always wanted to name her daughter Ameera, Marcel."

I felt the blood drain from my face and I understood why he went so pale.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us while we processed everything in our minds.

"Marcel, I don't want to sound rude but I would like that from now on you stay away from my daughter." Omar said and I blinked at him in surprise.

"Sorry?" Omar sighed before sitting in front of me.

"Marcel, you're a good guy. There's no doubt about it but if you keep on spending time with my daughter and vice versa I am afraid that you might... fall for each other. And I would not like it if I have to see my daughters heart break." I slowly nodded.

"Omar, I get where you're coming from but-"

"No." He said firmly as he ran his hand through his hair and exhaled loudly before looking at me straight in the eye.

"Marcel, I have to make you understand this very carefully and for that you have to promise me that whatever I say after this you will not tell anyone."

I nodded "I promise." He took a deep breath before continuing.

"Marcel, since she was four, Tahira has been promised to someone." I felt like someone threw an ice bucket at me. Tahira was promised to someone?

"She doesn't know about it. And neither does Sara. The father of the boy and I were best friends in college and due to some... circumstances that occurred we decided to get them married in the future." 

"But I thought that women have a say in their marriage." I asked and he nodded.

"You thought right. But a year ago he started to become the 'bad boy'. That's why I had asked Tahira to marry Zubair. My friend knew this and didn't disagree on my decision."

"When will Tahira get to know about this?" I asked and he looked down. "On her eighteenth birthday. That's next year."

Oh. I guess I should listen to him then... Saves me from a lot of trouble but Tahira?

"Omar, what is your friends name?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes at me playfully.

"You want to break this one off too?" I let out a chuckle and shook my head.

"I'm just curious."

"His name is Desmond, but we call him Des." I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

"Desmond... Styles?" I asked carefully and he nodded.

 "Tahira is promised to Harry Styles, Marcel. Your best friend." 


 *Sehri - or Suhur is the meal consumed by Muslims before they fast.

 *Fajr - the first prayer out of the five obligatory prayers of the day. It is done before sunrise. 

 AN: I've been thinking of doing a bonus chapter which will be based on Tahira's P.O.V. If you want me to do it then comment 'Yes' and vote on this chapter. Comment, Vote and Follow :)

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