1. the new gem

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A summary for those who haven't seen the show :)

Steven universe lives with the crystal gems: Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Being a half-gem and half-human, Steven's mother, Rose quartz, sacrificed herself to give her son true form and bridge the gap between gems and humans through his father Greg Universe Steven and the gems live in beach city, together they protect they're home from the gems homeworld. Steven must master his mother's powers and become something greater than himself: a hero that fights for what is right yada yada yada.

Steven and the gems encountered Peridot as well as Jasper, who fused with Lapis to form Malachite. Lapis betrayed Jasper, however, and dragged them both in chains to the bottom of the ocean.

Peridot managed to escape capture, and the gems have been looking for her ever since. She managed to evade the gems several times. With ideals and spirits low the they decided to look where they never would have thought to look. The Arctic is only available through a single warp on the galaxy warp in hopes of capturing Peridot.

"Cold is all I can feel. Cold is all I have felt for so long. Perhaps the cold will all I ever will feel... wait, what's this? I can move..."

They burst out a hole in the Arctic wall
As far as his eyes can see, they are collapsed walls and broken down drills.
The newly emerged gem cautiously approaches a console tapping the screen

There was extreme damage, leaving him the only one, Picking up what can only be described as a square based pyramid, it activated

"Hello?" He said to the larger screen that appeared.

"My diamond, you are receiving a message," a pale blue gem said quietly, slowly sending the screen to a larger blue woman.

"Thank you, Pearl, now state your business," the large woman said, her voice rifled with grief and anger.

"I am... I don't know, but I am alone. I am calling to see about orders. I seem to be stranded in a barren icy wasteland." He said calmly, his voice slightly shivering because of his whereabouts.

The larger woman looked into the camera
"You are not of my court, a worthless hunk of earth. You have no orders but to stay there and rot!" She ends the transmission.

Hearing his supposed supervisor call him worthless and a waste of materials plus the fact that he had only just emerged from a 5000 year prison of ice the psychology affected Turquoise causing a big physical crack over his left eye.

"Steven, wait! We don't know much of this place. Please do not run off ahead! Steven! Where are you?! Remember, it's freezing!" The new gem hears a worried voice shout out bit he thinks nothing of it and smashes the console with a powerful ice blast. He looks at his hands, not knowing he could do that

The gems decided that with Peridot on the loose that it would be best if they all stayed together. Steven was happy with this idea because it meant they could all be together on missions.

"Steven, wait! We don't know much of this place. Please do not run off ahead! Steven, where are you?" Pearl cries out, but Steven is too excited. The door in front of him opens, and he walks inside. The scared new gem, hearing footsteps nearby, climbs back into the whole he had recently come out off

"Woah!" Steven says, looking around with stars in his eyes. "Look at all this stuff," he says.

His eyes soon became drawn to what appeared to be a large spike of ice that broke a console in two with icy air coming off of them, indicating that it had happened recently.

STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off colour" MALE GEMWhere stories live. Discover now