33. Raising the Barn

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Steven is seen looking in despair at a photo of Connie on the shelf in his room. He slumps against the wall and lies onto his bed, sighing in remorse.

"She'll call when she's ready. For now, you just have to let go." Steven lifts himself up and keeps his phone. He then hops off his bed and glances at his ukulele by his bed.

Steven makes his way to the beach, dragging his ukulele across the sand. He approaches the hand statue sticking out in the sand and sits in the shade under it. He then looks up into the sky and starts strumming his ukulele.

Steven sighs deeply. "♪ I wish I could tell you that I-"

Steven's phone suddenly starts buzzing, interrupting his song, and Steven, startled, screams as he fumbles to take his phone out of his pocket.

"Okay, Universe. This is it! Connie's finally ready to talk. No expectations. Just let her say what she needs to say!" Steven looks down at his phone, only to realize that it is actually Peridot who is video-calling him. Steven sighs in dismay and answers her call.

"Steven! It's us!" Peridot chuckles

"Morning Steven," Turquoise says through the phone

Lapis comes into frame.

"Oh, hi, Peridot. Morning Turquoise, Hi Lapis." Steven greets the barn mates

"Don't forget Pumpkin!" Peridot holds up Pumpkin, and she barks excitedly.

Steven chuckles. "Hi, Pumpkin!"

Peridot turns to Lapis. "I told you he'd answer."

"As did i," Turquoise adds, and Peridot looks up and grinning widely

"It's so good to see you. I'm glad you're okay." Lapis says

"Lapis was worried you lost your phone on Homeworld, but I said, "No way! He's probably just ignoring us." Peridot explains

"And I was like,"Steven has probably just misplaced his phone as he did with his foot covers that one time, " Turquoise adds

Steven blushes. "Sorry, guys. There's been... a lot going on."

"Like what? Tell us!" Peridot takes the camera from Turquoise

"Well, Connie's really mad at me -"

"No, no, no, no. Tell us about space!" Peridot interrupts

"Did you throw up?" Turquoise asks

"And start from the beginning." Lapis requests

"Uhh, ok. I was trying to protect Beach City, so I surrendered myself to Homeworld, and I was put in a big, empty room, and I ended up on trial in front of the diamonds!" Steven explains

"On trial?!" Lapis yells, starting to freak out

"What?" Peridot asks

"What's a trial?" Turquoise asks

"In front of the Diamonds?!" Lapis continues freaking out

"Yeah, and...?" Steven asks

"You were in front of Blue Diamond?!" Both Lapis and Turquoise say Turquoise having a slight sweat

"And Yellow! But it's okay. I escaped in a palanquin and went underground and...Lapis, " Steven explains

"You ran from Blue and Yellow Diamond!?" Turquoise yells, taking the camera


"Peridot, Turquoise, We have to leave Earth now!" Lapis yells

Lapis quickly hangs up the video call.

STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off colour" MALE GEMWhere stories live. Discover now