17. Too short to ride

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Steven holds out a rectangular-shaped gift, wrapped in light green paper, to Peridot.

"Special delivery!" Steven says excitedly

"Oh. Wow. Thanks." Peridot Rips open the gift."It's a... a rectangle."

"How thoughtful," Turquoise says, looking at it

Turquoise takes the ripped paper and puts the ribbon from the gift wrapping on Peridot's hair, smiling to himself

"And a tablet!" Steven takes the tablet and turns it on."My dad bought it, but he decided he didn't need it. He said something about the over-saturation of media being a plague to one's mind, so I thought you might like it. Here."

Steven starts demonstrating how to use the tablet, Turquoise, and Peridot is awe-struck.

"You can use your fingers to work it." Steven explains

"Like my old finger screens!" Peridot says excitedly

"Finger screens?" Turquoise asks, confused

"Oh right, you never saw tall Peridot," Steven says

"You were tall?"

"I had limb enhancers that made me tall. Yes, that was until the crystalclods destroyed them!" Peridot answers

"I prefer the way you are now," Turquoise says dismissively, looking away, thinking about Peridot being tall

Peridot scrolls through the screens of apps on the tablet.

"But now you have the Whole Worldwide Web to hang out on." Steven says

"Worldwide? Ha! I had the ability to search and retrieve data from across multiple star systems." Peridot brags

"Hmm, impressive. But I can do you one better: TubeTube." Steven one ups Peridot

Turquoise looks at the tablet curiously. "TubeTube?"

Steven taps the TubeTube icon, and it opens up to a cat video. Turquoise and Peridot watch it in perplexity.

"Why was this documented?"

"Steven, what is this Earth creature?" Turquoise asks

"That's a cat." Steven answers

"So it's not a cow?" Turquoise says

"You can log your thoughts on the internet, too. You just have to keep it under 140 characters." Steven starts

Peridot in awe again. "That's so many people!"

"Quite, I don't think I have met that many," Turquoise adds

Turquoise and Peridot continue watching the cat video, emitting clattering sounds and cat yowls.

"I can make you both an account so you can start logging as soon as you want."

Peridot chuckles in anticipation as Steven sets up a social media account for her.

STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off colour" MALE GEMWhere stories live. Discover now