50. Change your mind PT.4

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Everything is dark. A loud ringing in the ear is heard, along with a deep heartbeat-like thudding. Connie can also be heard, crying out distantly for Steven.

"Steven. Steven, please." Connie starts crying."Steven, wake up. Look at me! Please."

Steven opens his eyes

"Steven? Steven!" Connie yells

"... What?" Steven's hand is shivering as he pulls his shirt up, revealing that his gem is now gone.

"No. Where? Where... Where's my...?"
Steven and Connie look up to see White holding his gem on her fingertips. The gem begins to take form in the air, The gem cycles through its previous forms as Pink Diamond and Rose Quartz until it finally sticks with... Steven, entirely in shades of pink. Everyone looks on in surprise as Gem Steven slowly descends onto the ground. It then slowly turns its head, and the eyes of the two Stevens meet.

everyone looks on in silence at the two Stevens staring at each other. Steven begins to attempt to walk towards Gem Steven but keels over to the ground in his deathly ill state without his gem.

"Steven!" Upon hearing Steven's name, Gem Steven comes to attention.

No.."Steven sobs "Please.. I... I need... I need it...."

"What is this? Where is Pink?" White Diamond asks

Gem Steven has a completely blank expression. "She's gone."

"What did you say? Answer me!" White Diamond yells, her voice riddled with confusion and anger

Gem Steven turns towards White with a blank empty stare.

"She's GOOONNNE!!!!!"

The shockwaves from Gem Steven's scream shakes the entire room with an unprecedented force, leaving a crater underneath it and a series of cracks up to the steps where White Diamond is standing, causing everyone to stumble. The episode turns back into normal volume. Gem Steven then turns its head back to Steven and Connie, who are grasping their heads in agony. Gem Steven begins to slowly walk over to Steven, walking above the crater where the floor previously was.

"Where do you think you're going?!" White Diamond yells

Stevengasped and reached out desperately. "Help...."

"Steven! Hold on!" Connie scoops Steven up and slowly brings him closer to Gem Steven.

"Don't you dare take one more step!" White Diamond orders

Gem Steven, ignoring White, continues walking forth.

"That's enough!" White Diamond instantly fires her mind beam from her eyes at Gem Steven. Somehow, the gem manages to reflect White's attack in time with a strange, polygonal pink shield.

"Ahh, you little...!"
Taken aback slightly, White attacks again, only for Gem Steven to reflect it once more.

"Aghh! Don't you raise your shield at me!"

In her frustration, White begins manipulating all the Gems under her control, and all their eyes begin to glow.

"I only want you to be yourself! If you can't do that, I'll do it! For! You!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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