43. legs from here to homeworld

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After finding out Steven possesses Pink Diamond's gem, Blue Diamond hugs and nuzzles him, crying tears of joy, in turn causing Steven and the other Gems but Turquoise cry as well.

"Ah... Oh, Pink! I can't believe it! You've been here all along! Oh!" Blue Diamond cried tears of joy

"I can't just hand Steven over to Blue Diamond. She's a shatterer!"

Bismuth sniffles. "She's not gonna hurt him. Look at her."

Blue Diamond laughs happily and continues to hug Steven."She really thinks he's one of them."

Turquoise grits his teath. "Not gonna hurt him?! She did this to me the day I unthawed! That's who you're handing him too, " Turquoise yelled, pointing at his cracked face

"Ahh!! Somebody make... Blue Diamond.. stop!!" Amethyst cried desperate for blue to stop

"Are you guys okay?" Connie asks

"It's just -" Pearl sniffles. "Ugh, Blue Diamond's power. She's obviously relieved that Pink Diamond wasn't shattered after all."

Yellow Diamond is seen trying to reactivate her ship, but it, as well as Blue's, are too damaged from the previous battle.

"Hmm. How could you do this to us, Pink" Yellow Diamond asks approaching the house "Why did you let us think you were shattered? Why the strange disguise? Why are you doing a voice? Why didn't you say something at the trial? And Blue, can you please stop crying? I can't see." Yellow Diamond wipes away her tears and splashes them onto the Crystal Gems.

"...Sorry!"Blue Diamond stops crying and puts Steven down at the entrance of the house, and he rejoins the other Crystal Gems. Blue looks at Turquoise and starts to remember him

"You? From the Arctic Kindergarten, " Blue looks at Turquoise also catching Yellow Diamond's attention

"Mhmm, as soon is unthawed, you called me a useless scrap of earth and a waste of materials and also doing" Turquoise gestures his eye. "This to me, how's the nose Yellow?" Turquoise says bluntly Yellow Diamond scowling at him

"I ask again what. Are. You" Yellow Diamond looks at Turquoise angrily

"Turquoise. I was made in a lab by Pink to find an alternative to sucking the life out of this planet through traditional Kindergartens and them once she had her fun was left to rot eventually freezing for 6000+ years and as I've said I was ever so welcomed into this world with a rather unique greeting" Turquoise scowls at Blue Diamond

"Pink made you?" Yellow Diamond kneels sort of interested in the story now

"Yes and wasn't told till recently," Turquoise side eyes Pearl

"Interesting, I would love to study you." Yellow Diamond picks Turquoise up

"HEY!" Turquoise freezes Yellow's hand and drops back onto the deck."I also would love an apology from both of you while you're here, "

Yellow and Blue Diamond look at each other confused

"What for?" Blue Diamond asks

"For doing this to my face and Turquoise turns to Yellow "for zapping my earth relationship partners and poofing them"

"That's not happening." Yellow says bluntly

"Pink continue, please," Blue Diamond pleads

"My mom kept it secret from everyone."

"A-hem...!" Pearl clears her throat

"Almost everyone."

"What are you talking about?" Yellow Diamond asks

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