49.Change your mind PT.3

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Trampling onto the Crystal Gems, the Diamond Mech's foot begins to shudder, creak, and groan, as a force below pushes it upwards. The Crystal Gems seem unharmed beneath the foot, as the orange, fiery, four-armed fusion of Steven and Garnet lifts it up.

"Awwwwwwwwwww yeah! You better step off!" The fusion lifts the foot entirely as they make peace signs with their two lower hands. They then tosses the foot away, slightly throwing the Diamond Mech off balance for a moment as the fusion begins dusting off their upper hands confidently.

"Chillax, my dudes. Your rockin' pal Sunstone is holdin' it down."

The Crystal Gems look on in awe at the totally radical fusion.


"Holy -"

"All right!"

"Unbelievable!" Peridot and Turquoise say in unison

Sunstone bends down and grins at Peridot. "Oh, you better believe it."

"Okay!" Peridot and Turquoise say

"Sunstone, what are we gonna do? White Diamond's never going to listen, and she's never going to let us leave." Connie says to Sunstone

"If she won't listen, we'll make her listen."

"And how are we gonna do that?" Amethyst asks

"I also would like to know how?" Turquoise adds

"I know she's in there. We'll bust into her head and change her mind!"


Sunstone points up at the Diamond Mech. "Let's take that bully down!"

"With pleasure!" Turquoise smiles

Sunstone then turns to the screen, breaking the fourth wall to speak to the viewers directly.

"But remember kids: If you ever have to deal with a bully, be sure to tell an adult."

"Who are you talking to?" Turquoise asks

Sunstone suddenly yanks Pearl and Amethyst, hoists them onto their shoulders, and sprints towards the giant pink foot of the Ship.

"Come on!" Sunstone vaults on top of the foot."Alley-oop!"

Sunstone summons their fusion weapon, a pair of suction cup gauntlets, in preparation to climb the ship.

"Kids, don't try this at home. Ha!" Sunstone leaps onto the ship's leg,"Bungacowa!"

Sunstone begins climbing up the giant pink leg, grunting while spouting inspirational quotes as they do so.

"Ah! Yeah! You can do it! Believe in yourself! Always. Do. Your best!"

The Diamond Mech shortly springs to action again, activating its arms. The hand draws back and swats at Sunstone.

"Oh, no! Wah! Owwwwwww!"

Sunstone is flung a distance onto the ground, splitting back into Steven and a newly-reformed Garnet, now with star-shaped orange shades, as they hit the ground.

Amethystgrunts "No dice."

"You guys think of a solution. I'll buy you some time!" Turquoise claps his hands, and his eye glows as ice forms around him, creating a gigantic construct of himself around himself before sucker punching the Diamonds ship then grappling with the ship

"We need to be bigger." Garnet says

"Then let's fuse. All four of us. It's the only way we're gonna get up to her head." Steven suggests

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