46. Escapism

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after being thrown into a dark empty room by Yellow Diamond, Stevonnie and Turquoise attempt to get out by bashing against the door with Steven's shield but get blown back when the shield breaks. Turquoise hits the door with Garnet's gauntlets and Jasper's helmet but gets blown back, hitting the far wall

"Ughh... Hmm. I'm not getting out that way." Stevonnie looks up."A window!"

Stevonnie runs up, and Turquoise throws them up their hand, catching the lip of the window. Stevonnie looks out of the window, finding themselves in a solitary tower high above the ground. They then accidentally slip and fall off the window, unfusing back into Steven and Connie.

Connie grunts. "You okay?"

Steven nods. "Mm-hmm."

Turquoise walks over and sits on the floor next to Steven and Connie

Connie sighs and pulls out a protein bar. "Well... Good thing I grabbed a couple of these before the ball. Otherwise, we'd have nothing to eat. Can't escape Gem prison on an empty stomach."

"Very smart, but I doubt that door is coming down any time soon," Turquoise says, now lying on the floor

Connie breaks the energy bar in half. She hands Steven a half, and the pair chomps down on the energy bar.

"We never should have come here."

Connie swallows. "What?"

"This whole plan! What was I even thinking?"

"Well, you were thinking that if you came to Homeworld and talked to White Diamond, maybe you could save all the corrupted Gems on Earth."

"Oh, right. And look where that got us." Steven sighs fed up

"You were trying to do what was right," Turquoise says

"Yeah! we knew it wouldn't be easy." Connie adds

"Yeah, but I didn't think I'd get every Crystal Gem poofed at the same time. And what'll Dad say when he finds out? His only son, in jail at fourteen! What a disgrace..."

"We can't give up; one step at a time! We'll think of something. Okay, so we tried the bubble and the shield and that window. What else have we got? Uh... Hey, my phone. Oh, wait. No reception. Not that there's anyone we could call for help anyway."

Steven, curled up in distress, begins to slip into his psychic mind state while Steven sleeps Turquoise Summons his disk blades And throws them around the door, the blades ricocheting and bouncing off the far wall before boomeranging back to Turquoise

Stegen quickly wakes up, breaking out of the state, and gasps in shock and realization.

"How long do you think they'll keep up locked up in here? 100 years?"

"I could nap that long,"

"That's it!" Steven says with realisation

"Really? 100 years?!" Conni asks panics

"No, call for help. There's one Crystal Gem left that hasn't been poofed, and that's Bismuth. Maybe I can reach her with my sleeping psychic mind powers."

"You think you can do that?" Turquoise asks

"Reach all the way to Earth with your mind?" Connie asks

"It'll be a stretch for sure, but I won't know unless I try."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Bedtime, mister!" Connie says

"Yep, time for nap, Mr Steven Quartz Cutie pie DeMayo Universe." Turquoise smiles with his hands on his hips

Steven lies on Connie's laps. "All right. Here goes nothing!" Steven closes his eyes

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