2. welcome to beach city!

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Steven and his friend had led Turquoise to what appeared to be a large circular device on the ground. Turquoise looked at it closely with intrigue.

"You've never seen a warp before," Steven asked him, and he shook his head.

"I have no memories before I came out of my icy tomb. This is either something that didn't exist then or I have forgotten about" Turquoise explains

"You've lost your memory?!" Steven says with his hands on his cheeks l. "Well, don't worry, we will help you get it back," Steven says, determined.

Turquoise bows his head to the side." That would be a rather most appreciated gesture," he says.

Steven nods and points to the warp pad now. "Well, this is a warp pad. The gems use it to travel to other warp pads on the planet," Steven begins explaining

"Interesting. The device simply works as a teleporter. " Turquoise questions

"Correct," the fusion known as Garnet cuts In.

Steven jumps on the thebwarp pad and pats a spot beside him, which Turquoise obliges and stands next to him.

"Okay, now to use the warp pad you just.." Steven is interrupted as the warp glows, and he and the others shoot upwards.

"Woah! You're a fast learner it took me ages to activate a warp pad. How'd ya do it?" But Turquoise's eye I'd drawn to the beam of light they seem to be stuck in it and takes him a bit of a moment to answer.

"I just thought about the name 'beach city'. So the warp pad seems to break down light particles and transports them to a new location, how clever, " Turquoise says, reaching out and placing his hand on the beam.

"Nerd," Amethyst calls Turquoise.

"Woah, I didn't know that." Steven looks at the gems

The light stream soon ends, and the gems appear to have moved to a small rural area.

"This is my house! The temple Steven says happily, "It's a home for us gems, and now you too."

Turquoise looks around at all the new objects and things piquing his new mind following his eye he is led to a flight of stairs, he slowly walks up them to see what appears to be a rectangle in front of him.

"What is this contraption for?" Turquoise asks, confused.

"That's my bed, it's for sleeping," Steven says, walking up the stairs with a smile.

"Bed for sleeping?" Turquoise places his hand on it, not sure what to expect

"Well, when you're tired, you lay down and close your eyes and think about nothing," Steven replies, and Turquoise tilts his head off to the side, not understanding what Steven ment.

"Do you want to try sleeping?" Steven asks Turquoise.

"Perhaps later I have more things I wish to look at," Turquoise says, looking all around.

"I will be keeping my eye on you," Pearl says to Turquoise, sceptically slightly frightening turquoise.

"I look forward to your hospitality," Turquoise replies, shaking Pearl's hand, making a loud cracking noise.

"Oh! I have to show you the big doughnut!" Steven shouts, grabbing Turquoise's hand and pulling him out the door.

"Steven, wait! Stranger danger! I'm coming too!" Turquoise hears Pearl cry out.

Turquoise kept ahold of Steven's hand while Pearl caught up to them.

"Steven, don't just run off with strange gems you've just met!" Pearl cried out, finally catching up to Steven and Turquoise

STEVEN UNIVERSE - "the off colour" MALE GEMWhere stories live. Discover now