20. Return to roots

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Turquoise is seen walking towards the barn a troubled look in his face, looking at the long blades of grass

Turquoise comes up to the entrance of the barn looking up to see Peridot and Lapis inside the truck watching Camp Pining Hearts.Turquoise sighs and walks into the barn and climbing into the hammock and staring up at the ceiling for a moment before falling asleep

After an hour or so, Turquoise feels someone poking him

"Hmmm," Turquoise says, opening his eye a little still half asleep

"You okay?" Lapis asks

"Yeah, just tired," Turquoise says, sitting up

"How was your mission?" Peridot asks, coming up to the hammock

"Successful, Want to watch CPH?" Turquoise asks, climbing out of the hammock onto the hardwood floor kneeling down to pick up Peridot

"What season?" Peridot asks with a smile

"Your choice." Turquoise answers bluntly. Peridot runs to set up the TV.
Lapis noticing Turquoise seems distracted

"Turquoise..." Lapis says, putting her hand on his back

"Peridot is waiting for us... let us make haste," Turquoise says, looking away seemingly stuck in his head, lightly grabbing Lapis's hand and pulling her towards the truck

The two make their way to the truck
Turquoise letting go of Lapis's hand and sitting down in the truck Peridot climbing into his lap, Lapis sighs and sits next to Turquoise, leaning on him gently

"Turquoise, you sure you're okay... you haven't been the same since Jasper..." Lapis breaks the silence

"You ran into Jasper! When!?" Peridot blurts out

"You haven't told her, have you?" Lapis asks Turquoise, who looks rather uncomfortable

"Told me what?!" Peridot asks, worried

"Jasper...forced me to fuse with her," Turquoise says, looking away covering his cracked side of his face

Peridot looks shocked, and lapis puts her hand on Turquoise's shoulder

"Don't worry, Peridot, me and Turquoise fused and smacked her away she should bother us for a while," Lapis adds

"Actually, I saw her today..." Turquoise says, recalling his first gem mission. Both Lapis and Peridot look at him, surprised

"Did you get hurt?" Peridot asks

"No... she disappeared before I could fight her..." Turquoise says, not taking his eye off the TV screen

Peridot doesn't say anything more on the subject she just leans into his chest

"I'll need both of you to help me with something tomorrow," Turquoise says

"What with?" Lapis asks

"Me." Turquoise says, looking at Lapis

"What about you,You're perfect," Peridot says, raising her head from Turquoise's chest

"We're going to the Arctic." Turquoise answers


"I wanna know how and why I am." Turquoise says bluntly

Lapis and Peridot look at each other

"Okay, we'll help," Lapis says

"Thank you." Turquoise wraps his arm around Lapis. "We'll head to the temple in the morning,"

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