16. Clean slate

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With the Rubies gone, Turquoise took it to himself to try and get both Lapis and Peridot to get along and live together

"Okay, let's get to work," Turquoise puts his hands on his hips, having just changed out his baseball gear

"Yes, it seems we have quite a mess to clean up," Peridot adds

Lapis joins Turquoise and Peridot in the barn doorway

"What to you mean 'we'?" Lapis asks

"Since ALL of us are going to be living here it's only correct we all put in some effort, for example Peridot will be finally fixing the hole she made in the roof, and ill be dealing with the hole the roaming eye made" Turquoise explains turning to look at Lapis

"Hey... you said you'd help fix the roof. " Peridot looks up at Turquoise

"Will you help with the roaming eye hole?" Turquoise asks, raising an eyebrow

"Seems like a good trade offer..." Peridot says, putting her hand on her chin, looking at the roof, and then the hole the roaming eye had made

"What about me?" Lapis asks

"Is there anything you wanna do or fix with the barn, the smaller than average lake, perhaps?" Turquoise offers taking a step back leaning on the doorframe

"Hmmm, I have an idea," but I'll need your help, " Lapis says

Lapis and Turquoise walk over to the old pickup truck, and she indicates for him to lift the truck and stick it in the wall above the doorway

"Interesting... Peridot some assistance, please," Turquoise calls out, and Peridot peaks her head out the doorway

"What I'm busy?!" Peridot calls out back to Turquoise, who just rests one of his hands on his hips and with the other becons Peridot to come to him with by curling his finger

Peridot walks over to Turquoise, slightly annoyed looking up at him, Turquoise picks her up

"We need a more 'calculative' approach for Lapis's idea~" Turquoise says to Peridot, and her pupils turn to stars

"You mean-" Peridot says excitedly

"Let's fuse," Turquoise says, but Lapis looks visibly uncomfortable

Turquoise and Peridot touch foreheads, and both beam a white glow and conjoin into a singular larger gem

"The highly intellectual Aventurine has returned!" Aventurine says excitedly, doing a power pose

"Ugh..." Lapis groans

"Seems you're in need of our amazing ingenuity, now let me see..." Aventurine says, thinking

As Aventurine thinks icy clouds start to form around her head, in those clouds, different blueprints start to form for a moment, and then a large cloud exemption mark forms suddenly with an audible ding sound


Aventurine starts constructing an elaborate crane mechanism out of ice, gears, pistons, and other mechanical components forming

"What...is that?" Lapis asks unimpressed

"It's an elaborate lifting mechanism!" Aventurine says, pulling a lever activating it the crane, lifting up the truck, and attaching it to the front of the barn

"Impre-" Aventurine starts

"Ugh..." Lapis groans again, walking into the barn

"Clod..." Aventurine says angrily, icy steam shooting out the sides of her head

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