4. when it rains...

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Garnet is seen angrily knocking on the bathroom door and yelling at it.

Garnet is angrily knocking on the door. "Open the door, Peridot! If this "Cluster" is putting us in danger, you need to tell us what it is so we can stop it."

Peridot is holding the doorknob on the other side. "NO! I hate you. I'm not telling you anything about the Cluster!"

Amethyst leans on Pearl's back. "Oh, come on! Is it like a big... hunk of... granola?" She asks

"... What's 'granola'? Peridot asks and turns to Turquoise, hoping he would know, but he simply shrugs, unsure either

"I'm sure it's not granola. Now Peridot, I'm sure we can reach some sort of agreement. Perhaps a trade is in order?" Pearl suggests

"Oh, sure, why don't you just give me back my leg enhancements and my arm attachments with my screen and my log and all my information! Oh wait, YOU DESTROYED THEM! SO NO, I DON'T THINK WE CAN REACH SOME SORT OF AGREEMENT!!" Peridot retorts

The Gems collectively groan when toilet flushing is heard, revealing that Steven is still inside the bathroom with Peridot and Turquoise.

"Okay, Peridot, Turquoise, you can turn around now.

Steven comes out of the bathroom.

He clears his throat. "Sorry for interrupting your interrogation," Steven says to the gems

"Don't worry about it, Steven," Garnet replies

"I swear, Peridot is gonna crack any second now!" Pearl says confidently

"I'll never crack for the likes of you, you... CRYSTAL CLODS!" She shouts back, and Turquoise shakes his head while Peridot laughs


"Hold on, Pearl. If she's not going to be of any help, let's investigate this thing on our own." Garnet announces

"I'll come with you!" Steven says excitedly

"Sorry Steven, we're gonna need you to stay here and keep an eye on our... 'guests'." She replies as she adjusts her visor

"Really?!" Steven asks

"Yeah! Make sure she doesn't try anything. And make sure Turquoise doesn't freeze the house, " Amethyst says jokingly, knowing fine well. Turquoise doesn't actually know how his powers work

"Don't worry, she's harmless without her limb enhancers, and Turquoise seems pretty docile," Pearl adds

"I'M NOT HARMLESS!!!" Peridot shouts

"Oh, HUSH UP!" Pearl replies, and The Gems step onto the Warp Pad.

"Oh! Steven, there's one more thing I have to mention." Garnet starts

getting anxious. "What is it?" He asks

Garnet forms a heart shape with her hands. "I love you. Bye!"

"See ya later!" Amethyst adds

The Gems warp away, and Steven blushes and waves.

Times pass by, and the sky outside the Beach House is getting dark as thunder is heard. Steven is preparing soup in the kitchen.

Steven looks at the bathroom door and calls out to Turquoise and Peridot. "They left, you know. You can come out now."

"No! I-I like it in here! It's safer with the turquoise!" Steven hears Peridot cry out in reply

"Steven, I'm sensing a disturbance in the atmosphere!" Turquoise calls out

"Okay." Steven continues preparing his soup and looks out the window as he sees a heavy rain begins to pour. Steven smiles. "Wow, it's really coming down."

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