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Long time ago these world name Utopia where magical creatures exist There are 7 races in total Werebeast, Flügel, Gods, Ex-machina, Fairies, Dragons, and Humans. One day the Gods decide to create a new title the "God of Game" because they are bored and what some entertainment so they declared all races to fight and take the God of Game title. The rules was it's a the one last standing. All races are hype and everyone wants to get that title except the humans because they stand no chance to the other races. At the same time in the neighboring world Kukumi and Kirito are being born as the 3rd spirit but there must be only one 3 spirit so they decided to to sent Kirito to the other world and Kukumi stayed as the 3rd spirit. Fast forward to 3 years in the utopia the war between races are firce and the humanity are scared they get found and get killed. Kirito has grown up now a little. The some humans go exploring to find a new safe environment and a way stop the war between races.

After the eternal is over peace has been finally achieve. However peaceful world doesn't exist. New enemies has been introduced!. How long kirito can keep up will he able to protect everyone and how much long humans can endure the fear the enemy are just becoming more and more powerful and now that he can travel dimensions not for long enemies can travel too chaos is everywhere! Will he able to stop the darkness from conquering the world. And if goddess of love exist and obviously love exist then is that mean kirito and kurumi's power can be sealed aswell like the other spiris? And will the mysterious girl and kirito see each others again? Stay tuned to find out!. Enjoy!~.

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