Chapter 1.5 - Grief for the kind king and the new born of the new king!

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Lela: Why these did grandpa must sacrifice himself!? I don't understand (Yells to everyone)(Everyone is silent and sad because of the sudden event happened. Everyone is devistated, Traumatized, and Angry to what happened to their kind hearted king).

Raku's pov
Everyone, I know that you are all devistated to what happened to our king but we need a new king to lead us we must keep on going we may feel like digging our heels in but the flow of waits for no one it won't patiently standby as we grief be must continue to keep moving if he's here right now I know he's going to say what I just said! So lift your head high and look ahead we have a Intel I managed to gather while I was exploring and I found chitoge all alone so I took her home here so what do you think everything can I be your new king? I will do my best (bows head down to everyone) (Crowd cheers for him) 'ofcourse you can be our king you speech reach out to our hearts giving us hope somehow your speech made us feel little better thank you so what the next move now your majesty?'
Tomorrow others will go hunt for food and all of the exploration team just rest tomorrow me and chitoge are the only ones who will explore tomorrow make sure to take enough rest no buts that's an order. (Yes sir)
If you please excuse us now have a good night sleep everyone. (leaves chitoge follows).
Chitoge please tell me everything you know to how to finally stop these war.
(Chitoge is a part of the Ex-machinas but fall in love to raku) Chitoge shows all enemies hideouts of the enemies.
Tomorrow we will head north and scavenge anything useful we can find. Aren't we going to the elves hide out and interrogate one of them? (chitoge ask). I will go alone when the preparation is over.

Meanwhile Kirito is in the demon palace because they want him to dead so they sent him in demon king palace without anyone to help him that is what they thought but a prisoner next took good care of him and raise him well and now Kirito has grown smart thanks to his power but he doesn't know how to use it. He befriended the system (computer that has High artificial intelligence) and named it sisy he escape the demon palace and manage to get into utopia at the same time raku and chuzi are going back home when they saw Kirito they didn't think twice taking him home and ask no question. When they reach home(alfiem) Kirito immediately do weird things human aren't the best their knowlage is not the best so Kirito moved quickly heads to the blacksmith and created a j shape iron everyone is confused and scared because he is only a 3 years old kid doing and handling everything after it cools of and ready to used the newly made fishing hook and he collected some earthworms and us it as a bait the fishes on the pond everyone is so surprised how did he do to know all of these and keeps asking if he is really 3years old boy. Time passes everything is going great until one day everything changed the elves find out there hideout but Kirito is prepared he dug tunnel just in case these happens everyone manage to escape but the elves didn't stop chasing them they are getting hopeless Kirito stand up in front of everyone he too protect everyone saying " I will protect everyone" all the elves laugh at him saying "are you lost your mind how are you going to protect then if you are just a child it's better you just go home to your mother mwuaaa" but Kirito didn't get triggered at all, he's so clam but the elves are not happy they failed to make a child cry so they
cast their spells at him making him almost dead. They were about to attack the other humans but stop when the flügles interfere the elves and Flügels fought fiercely giving the humans to scape. They are given another chance to live.

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