Chapter 7 - The end of eternal war and the new God of Game

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After the raku and Chitoge layout all the races hideout hes plan is to drive the Werebeast close to the trap the set up after that he goes to the elves territory and ask their leader to play a game called chess in exchange for informations he intentionally keep loosing the game and give the information to the leader after the information has been delivered raku goes home weak half of his body is destroy because of the effect of the black ashes he hold in his hand to not get attack. Steph and chitoge hurriedly put him to bed to make him rest a little bit after he wakes up only chitoge is in his side. Chitoge immediately ask raku why he didn't told her that It will even destroy he's body. Raku responds he didn't want anyone to worry too much so he didn't tell anyone about it. He insisted to go another exploration and continue to plant the traps and finishing it as soon as possible. But chitoge stops him telling he takes day off because he's working nonstop. Raku agreed to these and goes back to sleep but before that he ask chitoge to hold he's hand while he sleep chitoge immediately holds raku's hand raku immediately falls asleep. After he noticed raku is in deep sleep she slowly and gently let go raku's hand and finish the trap herself alone so raku doesn't need to worry about the trap anymore. Everything is going smoothly until chitoge placed the last trap the Flügels noticed that there's a sudden different energy in their territory. One of the Flügels name jibril suggest she goes out and check it out. Chitoge was about to leave when jibril suddenly appeared chitoge have no choice but to fight jibril. Chitoge engaged to battle mode she attack attack first but her attacks are ineffective to the Flügel chitoge blast everything she can until she is forced to use her ultimate attack the flügle was charging at chitoge but stun when she felt she's trying to figure unimaginable power after the blast hit the ground it explodes like a atomic bomb and melting all the surroundings after the blow chitoge tried to escape but the flügle suddenly appeared on her back and kick chitoge causing her to get thrown to the ground and attack her back. She sees the ring raku gave her (when raku proposed to chitoge.) Raku... And said; I don't wanna die. I can't die because of me we cannot loose. All I can do for raku now is to go all out. Leader give me the full power of us Ex-machinas. In these game victory is mine the while the Flügel is charging her power and releases her full power ending chitoge but before she got killed she leaves a message to her leader and ask to deliver her message to raku saying;
Hey, Raku it's chitoge. I finnaly understand I... Am so happy I met you. Next time. We'll never fall apart I truly love you... Raku wakes up he got the message chitoge died he was so devistated he questioned himself

(Inside his thoughts)
I thought.
I thought I could win this game for sure. So long as long I had chitoge, and the others. I don't know what cruel god out there made us humans, but... Come on please, just once... Can't you let me win just one god damn time? Well? If not. Why did you give me a heart to feel so much pain!?
Chitoge Why? (You have to stay alive until I die by chitoge). Yeah that's right if my chitoge is gone, then what's the point anymore. I have nothing left. (Wakes up when the Ex-machina leader spokes.)

Ex-machina leader; Spieler raku.
Who are you
I have no name but I shall call myself: Einzieg. I am here to fulfill the wish given to me by the prayer, the deceased called: Chitoge.
Rule #2: You must let no-one die. These rules you came up with. The conditions of failure they do not apply to the loss of a tool. They do not apply to the loss of chitoge this makes check. The rest is up to you. Allow me to provide some additional information. First off, given that various races have gathered near the einsweig installation points any movement on our part will be immediately detected by the cluster. With a 98% probability that we will engage in battle this, only the 24 einsweig currently installed can be used.
Meaning it will not be possible to draw the energy downward and into the planet.
However it will be possible to guide the energy south-west. Second, we Ex-machina are able to deploy weaponry. And this weaponry can be used to analyze and replicate any attack that is incurred. Raku. You will take control of this weaponry and use it to drill into the planet allowing you to manifest the Suniaster. (Suniaster is the piece to become the god of game). Ex-machina are built machines, mere tools bereft of heart. We are designed to complete a purpose and must carry out the orders we are given. As such, now Spieler raku. I shall aid your purpose. Your orders please.
Chitoge... The rules did not include... The loss of a tool. Chitoge... If this is what you wish. Then I wish it too.

(Sometime later in the elves territory)
Detecting multiple heat signatures from the outside. It's... (One of the elves) What is going on here, who had the nerve to launch Heavens strike!?
Put out defense on maximum output!. Lord artosh? (The strongest of em all races also will be called old deus)

(Old Deus) I've grown tired of these charade and now I must respond a beam of all my power shall confront the attacks of the weakest. Yes, you... Monkey (referring to raku).

(Elves leader) Fire the Áka So Anse to maximum power!
(Ex-machina) Launch the E-bomb!
(Old deus) Heavens strike!
In a blink of an eye there's a sudden blinding light.

(Raku) Even the combined power of Áka Si Anse and E-bomb could not stop the enveloping fury of Artosh's Heavens strike. All of that energy will collide and build into a raging blaze. Because of the brilliant light, this signals the end of the world and then.
The einsweig activates turning it away from the elves and all that energy will hit the Ex-machinas to activate the sanistar.

(Ex-machina) We are machines, tools bereft of the heart. We have lived here yet never alive. Let us die having lived! Aus. (All Ex-machina) jawohl!.

(System to activate the sanistar) Cluster 11 has incorporate 4807 units. All calculates aberration and replication, synchronizing. Lösen: Org. 0000: stalemartyr. This is for you.

These successful activated the piece raku then holds the piece then say Okay then A stale-mate sorry you all called gods. Then he banged the piece causing to absorb all power and turning to sanistar.

The sanistar. How many people have died for this moment? Chitoge's comrade life after life. How many... How many people have I sent to their deaths?! What have I done. I was nothing but a fraud. A con artist, gambling Chitoge's spirit. No I can't take it. I can't do this. This can't possibly be a draw! (Raku reaches the sanistar but he's hands disappeared) Chitoge! I'm sorry... chitoge. I lost. He chitoge if it can only be you and me. The two of us, together again. The nextime for sure though. I know we're going to win chitoge. I know exactly how we can win the next time around. Oh God of Game! My life is worth nothing now! But I'm offering it to you. And for the first time of my life. I pray to you I'm begging you! That even if a loser and a cheat... someone who would steal and fall into disgrace that even if these hands are stained in blood... (Raku's body is slowly fading too) Please. Please say it all meant something, that we meant something! Anyone... Please tell me you can put an end to this war! Please... Take the Suniaster. (Ted shows up to take the Suniaster.) The hell? So you we're real after all... Hey let's play another game this time I'll show you that we can win. Chitoge and I. Count on it. (Raku finnaly disappears).

(Steph moves the white rook to E6 making a checkmate)(raku's message to her) If things are going well, do you think you could move the white rook to E6 for me? Steph or I mean... big sis! I'll leave the rest to you. Thank you so much. For everything.

(Steph) Raku, chitoge. You two did something truly incredible. You put an end to the eternal war and yet... Why do I feel like this? (tears falling down) Why is it that I feel so... Why do I... Why do I feel so cheated.

(Ted front of the chess board moves king) The game isn't over yet you know. That may very well be check, but it's not checkmate. (Realizes) Still if something doesn't change then we'll be locked in a perpetual check. (Smiles) This is a first for you know... It's ended In a draw.
No one created you, no one wished for you, and no one asked for you. Purely of own will, you went from beasts to walking on to legs. Attaining knowlage and becoming what you are today. A nameless race. But, I shall give you a name. "Immanity". And so to all exceed, the self appointed sentient races. First, there was achéte, to honor the fallen. The. Aschent, for consent between a races. But now you will use Aschente. As of these day, the world will be forever changed! Now let's keep this game going!.

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