Chapter 16- Yoshino Arc

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After the success selling the game one of kirito's clone gets close and speaks "It's time master". Kirito sits down and looks up and responds "Yeap, yes it is time to fix the mess that bothering the the oracle's... Also even I am not an oracle both kurumi and me are not oracle's we can see the future if we really want too, but what the fun in fighting if you know the outcome so I prefer don't look at the future hehehe.  "(Oracle's are the people who can see a glimpse a of the upcoming threat in the future).

After these the clone walk away but before that he said "Good luck master or should I say me" and smiles and finally walks away. In the other hand kirito stands up and heads to the goddess territory.

After kirito reaches in the territory and everyone welcome him with a very warm welcoming atmosphere. And then as goddess Aquaris if where is his two sisters because they are not present "They told me that they will be out for a while to check on Time Dimension (Time Dimension is where the time and space is being stable).

After hearing these kirito joined them in the time dimension he helped his siblings to check up the time flow after that they thank kirito for coming even without inviting him. And then kirito speaks "Sis can we talk?" Both sisters look at each others and in confusion and ask the same time and question. "What is it kirito?".

Kirito closes his eyes and tells them "Sis I want get incarnated to the other world and seal the 14 gates from outside to prevent the monsters from getting out and staring chaos. It's harder to deal with them if they got out of the portal/s so please let me stay for days in there and please look out for my people while I am away. If chaos starts please contact me if so and I will help to defeat the enemy".

Goddess Skuld response "That is a great idea but be wary you should know these that humans in elkia and humans in earth are different. Human as we all know in elkia are kinder but in earth humans are cruel".

"Well if I need to deal cruel people too I will deal with it... I mean the dimensions are more important than cruel people" kirito's response nice and calm to his sister."

Both sisters allows kirito's request and tell him the informations he needs "If you really insist then we will not force you to not go you volunteer to fix these then we shall let you. You will be reborn to a random family but your memories will stay also you will be using transformation magic as you grow. (Goddess Skuld) I will create you a enchanted eye patch later to hide your power so they won't be able to detect you and invisible to the naked eyes of ordinary people there. For now lets head back home and prepare yourself for your incarnation and stuff okay kirito" Everyone smiles and goes back to elkia together.

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