Chapter 12 - True terror

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(Sees sissy)
Ohh hi sissy it's been a while who are these people? They are so noisy.

- Glad to see you again kirito! You've grown a little bit how's outside world I received it's peaceful now, and these people are the demon kings.

Demon kings? (Looks around) Sissy may I ask you something? Where are the items I made when I was here I don't see it everywhere. Also why so many isn't it supposed to be only one demon king exist?

- Don't worry about your creations because I just minimize it and Clara, do you still remember her the one who took care of you?

Yes, I do even it's tough she tried her best to raise me she stand up as my mother how can I forget her but why mommy clara did she do something?

- After I minimize it she ask me to let her handle your toys/creations I agreed so they aren't here but in the other room.

I see thank you both of you take good care of it I appreciate it!.

Meanwhile; That kid!? He's the strongest pfft  thats nonsense how could he be the true Demon king? Clearly Iam the one who's the strongest the computer is saying! He just got lucky he knows to seal it's a peace of cake to defeat so cut the cap.
(Other demon) B-but Iam telling you!

Sissy Iam tired... (He's getting annoyed of the argument).
(Sissy) As you wish (reveals the demon king  throne.
(Everyone stops and rushes to the throne and sit on it but the only true demon king can sit on it, kirito watches them all fight and tries to sit on the throne but they aren't worthy so they are getting thrown away by unknown force. (While all of these happening sissy give him a drink while he watches everyone are fighting entertaining him). But after sometime everyone is tired he finally heads to the throne and sits on it everyone is still arguing who is worthy to sit on the throne when kirito sits at the throne big lightning and thunder occur at the same time everyone is shock and cannot move at all except 'Hanako' the demon king he fought earlier can't accept that kirito is the strongest demon king. He charges and wants to punch kirito but he suddenly he stop and take a big step back he is sweating profusely he saw how he dies but he don't understand how because he is unharmed he tries another way but same thing happens again. He's so traumatized he yield (surrender) to kirito and ask for his forgiveness for not realizing he's true power and tried to harm him. Kirito responses if I really wanted to kill you I already have done it but next time if any of you go against me I will show no mercy! I might look like a child however that changes the fact that I am the demon king! Now stand up and ask forgiveness to your shellfish ness now!. (Sigh) what a pain sissy can you spawn chairs for them instead of them sitting on the floor I feel pity on them. (Sissy immediately do kirito's command without any hesitation or asking questions.

Meanwhile goddess Aquarius goes back to the gods realm to tell everyone about the unexpected event. She cries while she tells everyone kirito's sacrifice and his disappearance including the demon king. Everyone panics when they heard what happened goddess aria is very worried too but slowly calms herself down after that do it to goddess skuld goddess aria knows how to find kirito but both of them needs to calm down first. After both sisters are calmed down they leave everyone and they use both of their powers and look for their brother kirito after sometime they already searched the whole world but didn't find kirito they are about to give up but they remembers that kirito came as the demon king before so they tested to scam there and sure enough they find a perfect match of that they are looking for! Immediately sends a message to the computer to tell kirito to not escape the demon king territory and they will try to win the judgement and releases him from the demon king territory. After that sissy told everything to kirito he agree's to it all after that he visits the other room where the prisoners are held including Clara. When clara saw kirito she burst into tears of joy and goes running to hug him.

(Clara) Kirito! It's been 2 years I thought you already aren't coming back and you already forgotten me (cries while hugging kirito).

~[Clara was send to the prison because he's husband left her when he founds out Clara got pregnant and never came back she tries to work very hard to earn money for her future child/ children, after 9 months she gave birth to 2 babies at first everything is going fine but not long after she is struggling at financial expenses she cannot work because no one is going to look after her kids so she did the unthinkable she sold her body to random people and getting paid for pleasure in some time it's going great but officials caught her her seductive offer to get away with her crime but these just made the officers more mad they took her kids and put it on adoption center to be given to those family that can raise the child Clara beg them to not be seperated to her children but the officers didn't listen and send to the prison for 5 years he always misses her children so when she saw kirito she treated him like her child and granted the life she wasn't able to provide to her children.]~

Ofcourse not mommy clara how could I forget my step mother who took take of me ofcourse I can't but mommy may I sleep with you? I will be staying here for a while until they will release me because I sacrificed my self and sealed a demon king and now Iam back here it turns out Iam the true Demon king so I wasn't sent to the abyss and stuck there forever. And Iam sorry mommy I wasn't able to pay a visit before I cannot find the gate to come back here and lots happend one of those is the the war between all races, the time I become a goddess, and more like I said alot happened mommy.

(Clara) Sure darling you can stay as long as you want in exchange tell me all what happened because mommy is wanna hear it all k?

Okay mommy! If thats what makes you happy I will gladly do it.

And so kirito told everything what happens while he was at outside.

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