Chapter 8 - The New begging

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Long ago, in the distant distant past, the gods, along with their families and creators, waged an eternal war for the right to rule the world, the right to be the One True God. The long brutal battle came to a swift and without a victory with the death of sky, the sea, the land, and stars. The single deity who had not participated in the battle won by default and assumed the title of One True God. His name was Ted. He was once know as the "god of play."

(Ted) You creates who have fought with strength, violence, blood, and death, who built a tower of corpses that rises to the sky and and call yourselves as wise, tell me this: What is the difference between you and the dumb beasts?.

In the face their shattered world, excuses are meaningless. And then,
God spoke."All murder and robbery in this realm is forbidden," he said. You seven races who call yourselves wise:use your wisdom and wit, your fortune and wealth,to build a towel of wisdom and prove to me that you have wisdom at all!.

After the war is over Ted hurriedly return to the gods territory he sees kirito returning back the power he borrowed before but goddess aria didn't accept it because the gods are against to kirito returning the power and leaving them. Ted spokes to everyone "I am back everyone!~". Kirito immediately looks and bows down looking at the floor with teary eyes immediately running away leaving everyone confused, goddess aria and goddess skuld knows somethings wrong the joyful kirito they once knew now change to depressed kid. Goddess Skuld immediately ask Ted when did he go and what happened. Ted told them what happened about chitoge and raku. These connects to everything why kirito is acting different because he is close to raku and chitoge so when he got the vision of what happened to chitoge and kirito immediately run towards to goddess aria to talk to her. Kirito reaches home and immediately looks for Stephanie, when he founds Steph he ran towards her not saying anything but cries so hard Steph starts crying too along kirito. I am sure raku and chitoge wants us to be strong so big sis Steph let use wipe or tears and finally create our village and follow the rules and find a new king for immanity. Steph hugs kirito and says you are right now that's the eternal war is over we finally achieve peace everyone dream of. It's not the end yet you know these is just the new beginning of our story. Now let these game going!. Sis let to others and and start working shall we. (Yup let's go kirito). After they reach others, kirito requested that everyone to call others to discuss something to everyone. Once everyone is present Kirito told everyone to that they will be creating their own town since all races are not going to destroy their hard work anymore. After the discussion is over everyone did what they are best at some are hunting, cutting trees, carrying heavy objects and so on. After 1 day of hard work they managed to build a big wooden castle and 5 houses everyone is happy to what they managed to build after nightfalls they celebrate achieving peace and what have they done the whole day. (One of the civilian) Kirito why you keep making us have a break if you didn't keep stopping us working we would have finished more houses you know. (Kirito response) no need to rush things besides to your body isn't ready on sudden heavy work. Tell me this how long you didn't work? It's true some of you are in exploration duty before but that doesn't mean you are ready to heavy works because all you most specially used is your muscle in your foots and you foots itself hand muscles aren't part of it... Or I just don't want you to be tired too much that's all I mean we have nothing to worry now because war is forbidden and all. (Civilian) Thinking about all what you said I guess you are right. (Kirito) Quit wandering let us all enjoy the feast why my cooking is bad? That's why you don't want to eat? (Civilian) ohh no no no it's not like that I was just curious why you keep making us break so often thats all also the foods are all delicious are you sure you are the one who cooked all of these? It's so delicious. (Kirito) Believe it or not it's me who cooked everything but others ofcourse helped me. (Civilian: jokingly ask) are you really 3years old? (Everyone in the group laughs including Kirito)(Kirito response I think so everyone saw me grow (everyone is having so much fun everyone is very grateful the the war is over). Time pass by quickly alot happened everyone is living to their built homes, village pathways, and massive farms. Kirito finnaly turned 4 years old he declares everyone to play a game to be the next king of immanity and maybe rename our village and most especially rule us and handle the race piece!. Everyone was hype to these news and throws a big celebration for Kirito's birthday!.

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