Chapter 5 - The new goddess?

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After the elves leaves Kirito ran back to the cave to check on everyone.

•'Everyone are you all okay or did someone got hurt!? Goddess Aquarius Iam very thankful not only you help me and the others you lend me some of your power to stop the elves from killing us (bows down). Is there a twist for helping us?.
•(Goddess Aquarius) You are all welcome, kirito listen I have no intention help you and do something for me in exchange. I helped you because I saw you are very serious on your goal to protect your fellow humans and test I want to tess you if you really mean what you said before the blessing I gave you only works if you are pure hearted and you are not chasing for power. One more thing one of the gods wants to talk to you about something she wants you to come with me.
•' Okay goddess Aquarius let's go!~ I am tired but I cannot let a goddess to wait for me because I am tried and sleepy.'
•(Goddess Aquarius) Sits down come sleep on my lap I am not in rush come on don't disobey a goddess wish.
•'I Iam very honored and thankful please don't mind me if I do (lay's down on her lap and falls asleep quickly).

⏩Fast forward 30 minutes later⏩

Kirito wakes up and aqua got startled because she's expecting Kirito sleep long but not think about it much.

•(Goddess Aquarius) Kirito don't leave yet I just want to talk to you alittle bit.
•' Sure goddess Aquarius what is it?'
•Your just a child but why are you fighting for these people!?
•'I admit I am just a kid but unlike them I have power so I want to use it to protect them thats only I can do. It's better than not doing anything at all I mean I have a power so I'll use it to atleast try to protect them right?
•I see
•' Goddess Aquarius can we go now?'
•Are you sure you want to go already?
•'Mm I want to finish these already besides I don't want a goddess wait for me to talk on something'
•'Steph please handle everyone while we are gone thank you see y'all later.
:Mm. See you later.

Raku go out when Kirito was sleeping they confront the elves using smelted black ash that is very dangerous to anyone who smell it. The effect is more dangerous if it is smelted and touch the skin. Kirito tells chitoge and Stephanie that he's going out with goddess aquarius and head to the goddess territory because he got summoned one of the gods. After that aquarius created a gate to get in goddess territory.

•I am back along with Kirito like you ask Goddess Aria, Hi goddess skuld please excuse so you can talk in private.
•Thank you Aquarius as always
•Welcome bye everyone.

•Know that we are alone I have a question for you Kirito.
•' Please do as you please I won't talk or ask without you're permission.'
•Very well then I will ask you straight then do you really mean you want to protect humanity against everyone and everything? You may speak up.
•'I am just a little kid goddess aria but I want to protect everyone.'
•Then If you will be given a power very strong power will you use it to protect other people or abandon then and use your powers on something else or should I say for your personal wants?.
•'Great power comes with great responsibility if I will be given so much power I won't use it all I will only use the exact power I really need in battle because if I use the full power not only there's a higher chance I will be manipulated by the power My body might not be able to handle it but even if my body can handle the full power I won't betray my promise to not forsake humanity for power'.
•Interesting answer then final question Kirito... Would you like to become a goddess to have power?
•'I don't know goddess aria do you mind if I ask question too related to your Last question?'.
•Go ahead.
•' If I become a goddess will I be recognized as a demigod or goddess too because if I become a goddess everyone might think it's favoritism please don't get me wrong I want the power to protect my race but there's a consequences too in exchange.'
(Goddess Skuld) Sorry to interrupt but is it just me or are you pessimistic person or just too smart to think about the consequences of whats going to happen if you do something.
(Everyone giggles).
•The answer to your question Kirito is you accept to become a goddess you will you will be given a choice to become a goddess and you can help the humans or you will be given the title of Goddess and live in the human race but you need to work here todo your duty as a goddess. So what what is your answer Kirito?.
•'I wish to become a goddess while live in the human race to protect them when enemy attack us (Wide smile on his face).'
•(Goddess Skuld and Goddess Aria) "Very well! Congratulations We declare you are now the new Goddess of Infinity!"
•' Thank you very much but wait how about you goddess Aria and are you sure about these!?
•Don't worry Kirito we planned all these out we saw your potential and seriousness about protecting the humanity and as for me I will still be goddess of Infinity. We are both the goddess of Infinity now. Also you can just call me sis from now on since you now have the same level as us you can call my sister sis too we aren't blood related but we are power related so you too as well.

All of gods claps and congratulate the new goddess of Infinity!

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