Chapter 14: Protective brother.

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(She is afraid to kirito because he has a so much power that he can just destroy a world in a blink of an eye so he chooses to keep his trap so she can prevent kirito from rampaging and destroying these world).

(The judge refuses to releases Kirito.) We can handle them after all I am the strongest to everyone who exist in these world! (Confidently shouted to everyone present inside the court). After that she diverse a plan to how they will handle the calamity that is about to happen in 3 days and prepare. After three days the clear blue sky suddenly become dark and red lightning begins everyone are scared to what is about to happen suddenly Mayuri appears (Mayuri is the real name of the judge and her nickname is Judgement or Mayuri judgement) followed by the others and everyone assisted everyone to hide and stay safe. And suddenly they saw something in the sky and making an his entrance by assaulting to the ground and using the dust he summoned a powerful mystical beast they thought he is the boss because of how high is his power level so they ask why do he want to attack them if he is these powerful already? The enemy then response: 'I am just following my masters orders and that is to conquer these all of these everything and kill everyone who gets in our way so surrender now and these will be over already.

Mayuri response: Heh in your dreams we will just let you conquer us!
Enemy: Very well then don't expect I will show you mercy because I won't going to hold back at all!

The fight begun and everyone is having a good fight and after sometime he notices that he and he's beast are getting overwhelmed so he said 'looks like playtime is over' and menacing aura surrounded the him and everyone got chills in there bones  next thing happened the enemy disappeared and attack everyone in a lightning speed the try to fight back but failed because not only his movement is fast he's reaction time is also fast so he is untouchable at these point everyone has no hope left they can't even stand up anymore so goddess vendily beg mayori to release kirito because he is there only hope use your last remaining power to release and teleport him here after she said the enemy kicked her making her fly like a ragdoll and she collapse because of the impact.

Mayuri has no choice but to release kirito. After Kirito got teleported to the battlefield kirito was confused what happened and after she saw her sisters are heavily injured and goddess vendily is unconscious he ran to her and try waking up her but failed the enemy tries to attack him by surprise kick him but kirito stop he's kick single handed both Mayuri and the enemy are so surprised so the enemy backed of confused how did a small kid stop a deadly kick by just one hand. While he is thinking kirito carried everyone in one place including Mayuri then released all of his power and fight the enemy using his own.

Mayuri shouted asking why he won't use the infinity you won't be able to defeat him! But kirito didn't respond. Mayuri looks at kirito's eyes he's is angry Mayuri thought kirito will be defeated.

Kirito speaks: so you are the one who did these?
Enemy: Pfft hahaha what if yes what are you going to do are you going to cry? Wuaaaaaaa Iam just a little ki-

Suddenly Kirito attack him and smash his face at the floor how dare hurt my friends and most especially my sisters huh? Then he releases him so he can talk but the backed away I see you can  also move like me huh these is going to be fun!

The enemy then stand assault position. Kirito only took off his Lolipop on his mouth and stay still. Mayuri shouted are you planning to suicide! Do do something urgh what is your problem!? Can you defeat him already or don't tell me you don't know how to fight with out the infinity!? As expected you are just relying on the power of Infinity!. Goddess Aqua stops Mayuri provoking kirito because she knows what Mayuri said wasn't true. Kirito sigh and attack the enemy defeating him immediately no one saw what happened reinforcement immediately arrived Kirito surrounded but he stayed calm and says Lolipop transform to a dagger... After the transformation kirito massacre all the enemy the leader notices they are loosing the leader stop or I will your sister! While shaking. Kirito dropped his dagger and kicked it away the leader is about to stab goddess aria kirito run but the leader got stabbed at his back when he turns back he saw another Kirito the real Kirito stab him and the clone just acting no one noticed when they switched because kirito is good at making strategies after all enemies are defeated he uses his last energy to summon a clones and heal the  others and heal her sisters. Mayuri finally give up her pride and accept kirito that he is not like the person he thought he is and apologizes to him kirito accepts her apologies and and says its okay what's really matters to me really is that everyone is alright! (With a big smile at he's face).

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