01. new world, new beginnings

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I have no idea what's going on.

Not that it came as much of a surprise, but a different world really was, well... different. You could hardly make sense of what you were seeing. It was so much more heavily populated than what you were used to. Everywhere you looked, people were scurrying about left and right. There were crowds upon crowds of them, and you could tell based on their scent that all of them were humans.

Back where you were from, humans were considered a lesser species. Not in terms of value—all lives were meant to be valued equally—but in terms of their strength. Compared to vampires, orcs, elves, so on and so forth... humans were much less physically capable. That was why most lands were governed by higher powers, such as your home kingdom, which was ruled by vampires. The strong were meant to protect the weak. So long as there was no abuse of power, the weaker species were content to know that they were being looked out for. In return for being protected from more sinister forces, the humans would exchange safe amounts of their blood in order to sustain the vampires. It was a fair arrangement. After all, if they truly wanted to, vampires could take more blood than they needed to by simple force, but there was an unspoken agreement that existed between both parties.

Needless to say, you'd violated that agreement—hence your banishment.

But setting that aside, you now found yourself in a world where the dominant species were the humans. At least, that was probably the case in whatever city or land you currently found yourself in. Perhaps things were different elsewhere, but you didn't have enough information to go off yet.

This wasn't ideal, for more reasons than one, but the biggest one being that the scent was practically overwhelming.

Everywhere you walked or turned, you seemed to bump into yet another human. It hadn't been very long since you'd last had blood, which was fortunately a relief, but it was clear that this was going to take a lot of getting used to. You couldn't very well just lunge at someone without warning, after all. The whole reason behind your banishment was that you were meant to get your bloodthirst under control.

Did vampires even exist in this world? You had no way of knowing. It would be somewhat comforting if they did. You still needed to figure out your living situation, after all. God, and you didn't even know where to start.

You lifted your head to the sky, squinting through the sunlight. Contrary to most vampires, you didn't mind the sun all that much. Depending on the individual, their sensitivity to sunlight varied. Your parents and grandparents didn't much care for it, and preferred to avoid it as much as possible. This was the case for some of your other relatives as well. Fortunately, you had always been sturdy, even for a vampire. You would probably be fine for the most part, although prolonged exposure sometimes had a tendency to make you rather sluggish.

Either way, finding a place to live took precedence. You needed to figure out exactly how you were meant to survive here.

All you could really do was wander around aimlessly. There was certainly a lot of chatter; it was practically constant. It didn't seem like you were having any trouble understanding the language however, even though it was almost certainly different from your native tongue. Then again, vampires were prone to assimilating information rather quickly. Hearing it for the first time had already burrowed its way into your brain. Or perhaps this was some sort of side effect of the transportation spell that had brought you here in the first place.

All the better, though. The last thing you needed right now was to fail pathetically at any attempt of communication.

You walked and walked, doing your best not to let yourself get too overwhelmed. These humans were certainly different than the ones you were used to, though. Their appearances varied quite significantly, and some of them even appeared to be a sort of mix between person and beast. They were still humans, though. Their scent confirmed that. It was truly strange.

Bloodthirst | BNHA x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now