28. friendly sparring

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Izuku was putting even more effort into his training than usual. Nearly every time you spotted him around the house, he was either lifting dumbbells or doing more push-ups and sit-ups than you could count. He was clearly taking the Sports Festival seriously, even more so now that All Might had told him to make a big impression.

Unwilling to fall behind, you did your best to emulate Izuku's efforts. Ideally, the two of you would have been help each other train with some good old fashioned hand-to-hand combat, but since he still couldn't control the power output whenever he used One For All, that wasn't really an option. Hence why you'd considered having someone like Katsuki as your sparring partner instead.

Of course, when you tried breaching the topic at school, it didn't go over so well.

"Katsuki," you said simply. "You look like shit today."

His reaction was immediate, and he didn't hesitate to grab you by the collar of your shirt. "What the fuck did you just say to me?!"

"I said you look like shit," you repeated, a grin slowly spreading across your lips. "Well? Does that make you angry? I bet it does. I bet you wanna fight me now."

It didn't take much to get Katsuki to blow his fuse, but for all his faults, he certainly wasn't stupid. He could tell that you were scheming something. After all, your attempts to suppress your grin had been horribly unsuccessful thus far.

"What the hell's going on in that stupid brain of yours now?" he spat, making sure to narrow his eyes at you.

"Nothing," you denied. Then, pretty much affirming his suspicions, "It's not like I want you to fight me or anything."

Man. One of these days, you were really going to have to take a crash course on how to tell a convincing lie.

Katsuki shoved you out of the way and scoffed. "You're always so goddamn annoying. I don't know what you're on about, but I'm not going to waste my time dealing with your stupidity."

"Oh, come on!" you whined. "Can't you just spar me from time to time? Both of us could use some practice to prepare for the Sports Festival. It's not like I'd be the only one to benefit from it. Plus, since you claim I annoy you so much, now's as good a chance as any to kick my ass!"

"I'll decide when I feel like kicking your ass," he grimaced, then flipped you off and promptly walked away.

Ugh, what a dick. I'm not even asking for much. I figured he would've jumped at the opportunity to throw a few punches my way.

Your plan to convince Katsuki to spar with you had failed miserably. From across the room, you could see Izuku shaking his head in disappointment, as if to say, "I told you so."

A few days had already passed, and the Sports Festival was steadily drawing closer. Like Izuku, you spent some of your free time training through simple means, but you really felt like you needed more practical fighting experience. Part of you wondered if it was too early to hit up Chisaki and ask him for a favor. He was clearly strong, based on the fact that he'd singlehandedly kicked all those guys' asses back when you first ran into him.

Hm. Then again, you were already massively indebted to him. Better not to pester him over such a mundane issue. Also, as far as he knew, you were Quirkless, and thus, powerless. That was the only reason he'd been so nice to you.

So, Chisaki wasn't an option, Katsuki wasn't an option either... goddammit, you were running out of options. Ambrose would've been a great sparring partner, if only the two of you were on normal terms and he didn't want to kill you. Such a shame.

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