06. get schooled

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It was a few days into your stay in this new world, and you'd finally managed to get your hands on the magical device known as a cellphone.

"How does it work?" you asked, eyes wide as you looked it over from all angles. You tapped on its screen, but nothing happened. "Mine doesn't light up the way the others do. Did they sell us a faulty product?"

Izuku giggled. "It'll turn on, don't worry. You just need to plug it in so it can charge, like this... and you hold down the power button for it to start up."

He fiddled with a cable that plugged directly into the device on one end, then into the wall, through what Izuku had called an "outlet". You weren't familiar with any of this stuff, so it may as well have been sorcery to you.

But true to Izuku's words, the phone's screen eventually lit up, and all sorts of vibrant colors and patterns soon graced your eyes.

"Wow!" you gushed. "How does it do that? It looks so cool!"

"This is just where technology is at in this world," Izuku shrugged. "Cellphones used to be a lot more basic, just for making calls and sending texts, but now they've become mini computers. They can do a lot of really sophisticated stuff."

"What's a computer?"

"Ah... right. I guess I should have expected that." He pointed towards the end of his room, towards what looked to be another screen, but way bigger than the cellphone's. "Computers are devices that are really smart. They're programmed that way. You can look up all kinds of information with them, play games, watch videos... there's really no end to the possibilities. Cellphones are really convenient because they act like computers, but they're portable, so you can carry them around with you wherever you go. It's pretty neat, huh?"

"This is life-changing," you mumbled breathlessly.

Izuku laughed. "Yeah, you could definitely say that. Here, I'll teach you how to use your phone. It sounds more complicated than it actually is, I promise."

That was what he said, but it sure didn't turn out that way for you. There were so many different little features on screen. Some of them did things when you tapped on them; others didn't. Izuku was doing his best to show you how everything worked, but it was such a staggering difference from what you were used to that it was just too much to take in all at once.

Not only that, but you quickly realized you had another problem.

"For the time being, I'm going to add myself as a contact," Izuku said. He tapped on the screen a few times-not that you could really make sense of it-then eventually passed the phone back to you, smiling brightly. "See? You have your first contact now. That's my name right there."

You blinked. "What does it say?"

"Hm? What do you mean? It's my name. Midoriya Izuku."

"No, I mean... I can tell there's something written there, but I can't read it. The symbols don't make any sense to me."

Panic was quick to creep onto Izuku's expression. "You can't read kanji? Or hiragana? But... you've been speaking in fluent Japanese this entire time."

"I'm not even really sure how that happened either. It might be a side-effect of the spell that brought me to this world, but I was able to understand the language pretty quickly just by hearing it a few times. I definitely don't know how to read or write, though."

"Oh, well... that's not good," Izuku swallowed, and it was clear that he was putting it lightly. For better or worse, this country, Japan, was your home now. You were kind of screwed if you didn't have the ability to grasp written forms of communication.

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