36. monstrous

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"Huh? Did I hear that right? Y-You want to drink my blood?"

Kaminari gaped at you, cheeks gradually reddening. You could understand why he looked so shocked. Your request had practically come out of nowhere, after all.

"Sorry," you frowned. "I know I'm asking for a lot. But remember how I mentioned that I get pretty weak if I don't drink enough blood? I'm feeling a little bit off, so I was hoping to get some blood before my match during the third round. I wouldn't be burdening you like this if you were still in the tournament, but since you're already out... I don't know. I just thought I'd try asking."

"Oh. No, I get it." He swallowed, though it didn't make his blush disappear any faster. "This is just how your Quirk works, so... there's no way around it. Of course I want to help you, [Name]. You're the one I'm rooting for the most. It's just that I've never done this before, so I guess I'm a little nervous...?"

You nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I'm sure it must sound a bit scary, but I promise I'll make sure it doesn't hurt much-"

"A cute girl wants to press her lips to my neck! How could I not be freaking out right now?!"


It sounded like there was a bit of a disconnect here, especially since Kaminari was now fanning himself to try and calm down. He seemed more embarrassed than anything else, although you supposed that was for the best. You'd rather him be a bit self-conscious than be flat-out afraid of you.

"The decision is yours," you reassured. "I don't want to pressure you into anything. If you feel comfortable, I'd really appreciate it, but if not, I completely understand."

Kaminari paused, racking his brain for a response, but he ended up lightly slapping his cheeks instead, as if he was trying to psych himself up.

Then, he took a big gulp of air.

"I'm ready," he said, and rather than flinching away from the incoming pain, his mouth kept twitching into a lopsided grin. "[Name]'s lips, against my neck... hehe.. it's really happening..."

Goodness, what a dork. Although you quite liked that about him.

"Thank you, Kaminari. I really appreciate this." You smiled gratefully, then leaned closer, prompting him to release an excited little squeal. Within a few moments, your arms wrapped around his body, and you positioned your lips near the base of his neck. Kaminari shuddered from the feeling of your hot breath tickling his skin.

He'd agreed to this. He was more than willing to help you out, and surely once you were done, the hollow feeling in your stomach would disappear. You needed to be in peak condition to face Shouto, that much you were sure of.

You paused one last time, giving Kaminari the chance to back out, but he merely grinned at you, eyes twinkling.

It was as good an invitation as any.

You sank your fangs into his neck, immediately exhaling once blood filled your mouth. You'd always assumed Kaminari would taste good, based off his scent alone, but your suspicions had just been confirmed.

"Whoa," Kaminari mumbled hazily. "This feels... weird. It stings a little bit. Like, it hurts, but at the same time, it also doesn't?"

He was taking it a lot better than you'd expected. Being bitten by a vampire could certainly be painful, but depending on the individual, the sensation wasn't wholly uncomfortable. It was a mixture of pain and pleasure. Or so you'd heard.

In Kaminari's case, the excitement was definitely a contributing factor.

You held him tight, relishing in the feeling of his blood rushing down your throat every time you swallowed. It tasted really, really good. Honestly, with all the amazing blood the people of this world had to offer-Izuku especially-it was incredible how much self-restraint you were mustering. Your former self would have probably lost all control at this point.

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