19. not very cash money

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"Oh, by the way, that whole expulsion thing was a lie," Aizawa said shamelessly.

Bitch, what?

Your classmates seemed to echo your sentiments, if their disbelieving expressions were anything to go off.

Aizawa cracked a grin. "It was a logical ruse intended to draw out your best performances. Having something like that on the line makes you more likely to work harder, right?"

You were visibly shook-as Kaminari might say-but you supposed it wasn't such a bad turn of events. It was actually quite a relief, because once Aizawa posted the class results, Izuku ended up placing last. If Aizawa had been serious about expelling someone, poor Izuku would have gotten the short end of the stick.

Honestly though, you would probably have tried to pull some strings to ensure that his expulsion didn't actually happen. If drinking Aizawa's blood and hypnotizing him was what it took, then so be it. Obviously, that wasn't a super morally good thing to do, so this was definitely a better outcome.

"Anyways, head back to the classroom so you can take a look at the curriculum and all that. But Midoriya," Aizawa said, giving Izuku a terse look, "you need to head to the nurse's office first. You're going to need to be in top shape for tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?" you couldn't but ask.

Aizawa snorted. "Nice try. Did you really think I'd tell you?"

"Well, maybe," you shrugged. "As long as I keep annoying you until you give in."

His dark eyes studied you for a few moments, then he shook his head and turned away. "Something tells me I'm going to have my hands full with you," he sighed.

Well, he's not wrong.

You directed your attention towards Izuku. "Everything alright?" you asked. "That looks pretty painful. The sooner you get treated for it, the better."

"Ah... it's okay," he reassured, gently cradling his broken finger. "I only ended up like this because I still can't control my powers. I have to learn how to get the hang of my Quirk as soon as possible. Like Aizawa said, I can't go on needing to be rescued just because I'm so weak. It might still take a bit more time, but... I'm going to do whatever I can to improve."

You beamed at him. "Yep! And you'll do amazing. I'm sure of it."

From afar, Katsuki was glaring at the two of you, still with that defeated expression from earlier. You made a conscious effort not to let your eyes meet. The longer you glanced his way, the more likely you were to start feeling sorry for him, even though he didn't deserve it.

It was time for him to grow up and stop looking down on others.

You headed back to the classroom to look over the curriculum that Aizawa had mentioned, but you would have been lying if you understood half the academic content that was listed on there. Oh, well. You were just going to have to keep figuring things out, the way you always did. It also didn't take long for Izuku to receive his treatment-apparently Recovery Girl's Quirk allowed her to heal people pretty much instantly, at the expense of their energy. You remembered her from when you'd come to your senses after blacking out during the entrance exam.

Izuku of course joined you at the front gates once he was ready to go, but he wasn't the only one. Kaminari had tagged along, and so did Iida and Uraraka, both of which seemed to think quite highly of Izuku so far.

It made you really, really happy to see that he was making more friends.

"Today was rough," Kaminari sighed. "I'm seriously beat! And Aizawa scared the crap out of me by threatening to expel one of us. I didn't really take him for the type to joke around like that."

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