12. foul stench

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Izuku was overwhelmed with emotion and kept on sobbing, despite your best efforts to calm him down by stroking his hair. It was then that All Might paused to clear his throat.

"Young man, I believe that you are the one who is worthy of inheriting my strength," he said.

"Like a sidekick?" you asked, quickly perking up. "Izuku told me that some heroes have sidekicks. Is Izuku going to become your sidekick?"

"Not exactly." All Might gave you a wary look. "You both seem very close, and I suppose you have already seen me in my weakened state... fine, then. It can't be helped. In any case, I certainly wasn't planning on disclosing my secret to not one, but two people."

You frowned. "Don't we already know your secret? How many more secrets do you have?"

"Definitely more than I should," All Might chuckled weakly. He turned to look at Izuku. "Listen up, boy. When I talk about you inheriting my strength, I'm referring to the basis of all my powers. My Quirk."

Izuku looked understandably confused. You weren't really getting it either. You already knew that All Might's Quirk was amazing, given how powerful he was, but Izuku didn't have a Quirk, so the comparison didn't make any sense.

"Surely a die-hard fan like you has tuned in to watch interviews of me and the like. Right?"

"Yes!" Izuku enthused. "I've seen all of them! I've watched pretty much everything with you in it a hundred times over. And I have all the collectibles I could get my hands on, even the ones that I had to order from overseas! Actually, I'm expecting a package to be delivered next week—"

"Stop, stop," All Might laughed. "I'm glad you're enthusiastic, but that's not what I was getting at. What I meant was that in all the interviews where they ask about my Quirk, people just assume it's some kind of super strength, and I've never bothered to correct them, because it simply wouldn't do if the almighty Symbol of Peace were, in fact, not a natural-born hero. The reality is that my Quirk is power that is passed on from one user to the next."

Izuku's eyes bulged out of his head. "W-What?! It's a power... you can inherit?"

"Sure is. And you're next in line, kid."

Even though your friend was clearly struggling to process all this information, you couldn't help but let out a little squeal of excitement.

"That's awesome!" you grinned. "Izuku, that means you finally get to have a Quirk! Wow, but weren't you saying that Quirks are something you're born with and can't ever change, no matter what? That they have to manifest by a certain age? It's so cool that they can be passed around like this!"

"I-I don't believe it," Izuku blinked incredulously. "But... how? It's true that your Quirk has long since been debated as one of the greatest mysteries of the world, but even so... something like this, it's just..."

You gently grabbed him by the arm, then smiled brightly. "It's possible. After all, aren't I proof of what this universe has to offer?"

"Ah... t-that's true," Izuku realized, and he seemed to quiet down a bit. "Right... yeah. Thinking about it that way, I guess it makes sense."

All Might looked you over with a frown. "What's this now? I'm not quite sure I'm following."

"Oh, right!" Your expression lit up, and your smile grew even wider. "Since we're already sharing secrets and all, I'll tell you mine! I'm from a different world and I'm a vampire!"

For a while, it was completely silent.

Then, All Might cleared his throat. "Hey, kid. Are you sure your friend's all there in the head? I'm starting to have serious regrets about telling her the truth."

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