20. bitter defeat

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"Don't worry, Izuku." You patted your friend on the back, then flashed him a cheeky grin. "I'll be sure to kick Katsuki in the balls a few times."

"I'd really rather you didn't," he sighed wearily.

"Why not? A win is a win, as far as I'm concerned."

"I guess that's true. Well... I know that this is just your way of trying to cheer me up. I probably look like I'm really nervous. Because I am," he sighed again.

Naturally, you understood where Izuku was coming from. He'd been on bad terms with Katsuki for most of his life. Suddenly being pitted against him like this was bound to make him feel a bit overwhelmed. But all that being said, you strongly believed that things would be different this time. For one thing, he wasn't Quirkless anymore. Even if One For All was difficult to control, it was still better than nothing. All of the training he'd put in for the past ten months was also bound to pay off.

He was stronger now, and it was time Katsuki saw that for himself.

Izuku let out a shuddering breath, putting his mask on all the way. "As horrible as Kacchan can be, I still can't help but admire him. His confidence, his strength, his Quirk... he's better than me in a hundred different ways. But now that I've actually made it this far, I really, really don't want to lose."

"We'll win," you reassured, reaching over and squeezing his hand. "Don't worry. I'll do whatever it takes to support you during this fight."

He offered you one last appreciative smile, and then the Battle Trial was officially underway.

You both proceeded to sneak into the building through one of the windows. You'd been given a map ahead of time, so you were somewhat familiar with the internal layout, but there was still the matter of actually locating the nuclear weapon.

Although you got the sense that a certain someone would probably come charging at you the first chance he got.

Your ears perked up. It was rather faint, but you could've sworn you'd heard footsteps from the distance.

Ah. I called it.

"Get back!" you cried out, pushing Izuku out of the way just as Katsuki appeared from around the corner and unleashed an explosion.

You'd reacted quickly enough that neither of you had taken any real damage, but the sudden wave of heat was just about as uncomfortable as you'd been expecting. He really was a terrible match-up for you. The only thing that could possibly be worse was a Quirk that created fire or something.

"Deku, you piece of shit," Katsuki sneered. "What the hell are you dodging me for? You're supposed to stay still and let me kick your ass, goddammit."

"That's funny," you hummed. "I was actually just thinking the same thing about you. Face the wall and stick out your butt so that I can really go to town."

Katsuki's glare was just short of being murderous. You knew he would never actually kill either of you, but he sure was doing a good job of acting the part.

"You're in my way, shitty [Name]," he rasped. "Or do I need to give you a beating first?"

"Try me," you mused.

Provoking him probably wasn't the right move, but both of you were far too stubborn to back down. Gritting his teeth, Katsuki charged towards you, winding up his right arm.

As it turned out, though, you didn't even need to try and block his attack-Izuku had already intercepted him.

The disbelief on Katsuki's expression was clear as day. Izuku seemed to have completely predicted his movements, and you watched with wide eyes as he outmaneuvered the blonde and flung him over his shoulder.

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