22. surprising run-in

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"You're hopeless," Shigaraki sighed. "I didn't know someone could possibly be so bad at video games. I doubt you'll ever get better. It's like you're technologically challenged or something."

Well, yes—you were technologically challenged. All of this stuff was still super new to you, after all.

"I'll get better," you insisted. "I just have to keep practicing! You can keep teaching me, since you're really good and probably don't have any actual responsibilities to deal with."

"Fuck you. What the hell do you know about my life?"

"It's just a feeling I get," you shrugged.

Shigaraki rolled his eyes. "You're such an annoying piece of shit. I seriously wonder how you've made it this far without getting your ass beat."

"It's because I'm tough," you said, proudly flexing your bicep. "I set people straight whenever they try to fuck with me."

"Is that so?"

"Sure is! If you want to try your luck, you can step outside, like I said earlier."

"I'm good. I've decided to let you live for the time being. You're a total moron, but it's actually somewhat entertaining." Shigaraki's lips twitched into a cruel grin. "You'd better be careful so that I don't get tired of you, though. Otherwise, you really will die."

What a weirdo. He sure likes to say some creepy-sounding things.

You had a terrible sense for danger, so you of course didn't realize that all of Shigaraki's threats were all very much real.

"Try all you want, but you can't scare me," you mused. "What's your name, by the way? I'll probably come by here every now and then, so maybe we'll run into each other again, and you can help me get better at all these games."

Shigaraki scrunched up his nose. "Why should I tell you anything? Piss off."

"Aw. But don't you want to be friends?"

"Fuck no. I don't need friends."

"I bet you're only saying that because you don't have any," you quipped.

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes, but before he could say anything else—most likely threaten to kill you again—you let out a resounding huff.

"Well, fine," you said crossly. "Go ahead and be that way. I was going to tell you my name, but since you're being all stingy, then I'll do the same. I'm sure you'll change your mind about wanting to be my friend, and then you'll regret it big-time. I'll be laughing when it happens."

"Sure, keep holding out hope for a miracle," Shigaraki snorted. "While you're at it, maybe wish for the ability to suck less ass at games too. There are literal elementary schoolers here, and I can guarantee they're better than you."

You flipped him off, and Shigaraki did the same right back to you. It was hard to tell whether or not the two of you were actually getting along, but this had been a lot more fun than you'd expected. He still smelled pretty bad, but you supposed you would get used to it over time.

"Well, I should get going now, stinky guy," you said, collecting your belongings. "My friend will start to worry about me if I get home too late. That's right, you heard me—I actually have friends, unlike you."

Shigaraki wasn't impressed. "I feel sorry for them, whoever they are. I can't imagine the stupidity they have to put up with on the regular."

"Eat shit," you said, then flipped him off once more. It was difficult to keep the smile off your face, though. This stinky guy was kind of entertaining in his own way. "Anyways, I'm gonna head out now. Bye-bye!"

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