33. faceoff

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"Open wide! Here, say ahh."

Katsuki slapped your hand out of the way. "Quit it! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," you replied with a shrug, lowering the spoonful of food you'd been trying to push in between his lips. "I'm just here to have a good time."

Instead of snapping at you again, Katsuki just gritted his teeth. He then proceeded to angrily stuff his face, in an attempt to finish eating as fast as possible and get rid of you.

It was lunchtime, and although you'd initially planned on eating with Izuku and some of your other friends, after the conversation he'd had with Shouto, you figured he could use a bit of time to unwind and clear his head.

Plus, annoying Katsuki was always a lot of fun.

U.A's budget was no joke, and they had plenty of delicious meal options to choose from, but quite frankly, you could really go for something else right now.

"Okay, I'll make you a deal," you grinned shamelessly. "If you give me a bit of your blood-just one teensy little bite-then I promise to leave you alone."

Katsuki looked back at you, cheeks half-stuffed, but even though his mouth was too full for him to speak, his incredulous expression said it all.

He swallowed, already scowling. "Over my dead body will I ever let you drink my blood again. Goddamn creep."

"But why not? It's not my fault," you insisted. "I can't help that I need to drink blood for my Quirk to work."

"And how is that my problem? Go bother someone else. Shoo," he muttered, waving you off with the back of his hand.

Needless to say, you had no intention of going anywhere.

"Then I guess you're stuck with me until the Sports Festival resumes," you hummed.

Katsuki stabbed his fork into his meal, almost as if he was taking his anger out on it. "Great," he sighed tiredly. "Fuck my life."

It wasn't all that surprising, but if you hadn't insisted on sticking to Katsuki's side like glue, he would have ended up eating lunch all alone. He clearly hadn't made any friends since the start of the school year, although you supposed that was mostly by choice. He seemed to think that caring about others and relying on them made him weak, somehow. It was a load of shit, and you hoped that sooner or later, he would realize just how flawed that line of thinking was.

Anyways, perhaps it was your imagination, but recently, his blood was smelling better and better. He had a long way to go, but ever since he'd acknowledged his loss against Izuku during the Battle Trial, it looked like he was making progress. Slow progress, but progress all the same.

Yeah. You could really go for some blood right now.

Swallowing, you forced yourself to look down at the mess hall table. No. You needed to control yourself. You'd had some of Izuku's blood not long ago, and so far, you hadn't exerted yourself that much. There was no reason to drink blood, because it felt like you had enough to last.

There was no reason to, but... fuck. You wanted to so bad.

"Ew," Katsuki suddenly grimaced. "You absolute freak. Are you drooling right now?"

Oh. Were you? Oopsie.

You wiped the back of your hand across your mouth. "You must be imagining it," you dismissed.

"Like hell I am. What's the matter with you? There's plenty of food right in front of you, and it's still not enough?"

"I thought I already explained that I need blood too, not just food."

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