16. blood bonding

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Toga batted her eyes at you. "Vampire? Are vampires actually real?"


You had accidentally spilled the beans in your excitement. But it wasn't often that people believed you, so you figured you could gloss over this pretty easily.

"Um, that was just a figure of speech," you said sheepishly. "It's just that my Quirk has to do with drinking blood, and when I saw you, I couldn't help but feel like we had that in common."

Thankfully, Toga seemed like the type to just roll with the punches. Her smile got even wider, giving you a clear view of her fangs. They looked almost identical to yours, vampire or not.

"Wow!" she gushed. "That's so neat! I've never met anyone else who drinks blood like me! You're so cute and nice. I just love cute things. Will you be my friend?"

You could feel yourself smiling back, and you sat down beside her. "Sure," you nodded. "That would be nice. I'm glad that we ran into each other like this. I'm [Name], by the way. Anyways, does drinking blood make you stronger? That's kind of how my Quirk works."

She shook her head. "Nope. But I've always liked blood. People and animals are extra cute when they're all bloody, don't you think?"

Hm. A bit of a strange take, admittedly. You liked the taste of blood, that much was a given, but even you-a literal vampire-had never really thought people looked better while covered in it. The sight of it definitely didn't faze you, but to call someone extra cute when they were bloody was kind of weird. After all, didn't that usually mean they were hurt?

"Is red your favorite color or something?" you chuckled.

"My favorite color is blood!" she proudly exclaimed.

This new friend of yours was just getting weirder by the second.

That being said, it was the first time you'd ever met anyone who you could somewhat relate to since coming to this world. You'd never seen anyone else who drank blood the way you did, so you felt a bit inclined to get to know her better. Liking the sight of blood didn't necessarily make her a bad person or anything. She just had a unique preference, for lack of a better word.

You cleared your throat. "Right. So, um... how does your Quirk work, then? Once you drink blood, what can you do?"

"Hehe." Toga got awfully close to you, her already flushed cheeks darkening even more. "If you want, I can show you."

"Alright! That would be cool."

You didn't quite realize what she meant by that in time, because when you blinked the next second, her fingers were brushing against your neck and pulling the fabric of your shirt aside.


Toga bit into your neck, and you couldn't help but let out a sharp cry. It certainly wasn't the most pleasant sensation, and you'd always prided yourself on having a decently good pain tolerance. Was this what it felt like for people whenever you drank their blood? If so, you suddenly felt a lot more guilty, even though you couldn't really help that you needed it to survive.

Thankfully, it didn't look like Toga was drinking too much of your blood. She pulled away not long afterwards, giggling like she'd just kissed her crush or something.

"[Name], you're just so cute!" she enthused. "You're really nice, letting me suck your blood like that. Most people usually get mad at me, but I don't get why. I'm just showing them how much I love them. Because when you love someone, you want to be just like that person, right?"

Bloodthirst | BNHA x Vampire!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now