38. forgiven

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For a good while, you just cried in Izuku's arms. It was cathartic, and you knew you needed to get it all out of your system. Thankfully, being the angel that he was, he didn't rush you and let you take your time, until finally, your tears dried.

You didn't really know where to go from here. Of course, you were immeasurably relieved that Izuku had promised to support you through all of these challenges, but there was no telling how everyone else would react. From what you'd gleamed before, it was obvious that most of the spectators were concerned by what they'd just witnessed. And you couldn't even blame them for it. It was natural to feel taken aback, to be wary of someone who'd just savagely drained blood from their opponent, well after they'd passed out.

People were bound to feel uneasy around you. That much was practically a given.

Now, the question was: just how severely would you be punished for what you'd done?

"I think I'm disqualified," you swallowed uncomfortably, squeezing Izuku's hand for reassurance. "But it's probably for the best. I wouldn't want to lose control again and hurt someone else. I feel like participating in the Sports Festival was just a giant mistake."

Izuku shook his head. "Don't say that. You were doing really well up until that point, and it's not like you can predict when you'll have one of those episodes, right? What matters is where we go from here, and what you'll do in order to prevent something like this from happening again. There's got to be some kind of solution. I'm sure of it."

"I don't know... I think the teachers are really angry with me. I haven't spoken to any of them since Midnight told me to walk off the arena, but they're probably disgusted that I did something so horrible."

"There's no way they think that," Izuku protested. "All of them are pros, and it's obvious that you didn't do that on purpose. Anyone could tell that it was a mistake. The look in your eyes after you pulled away from Todoroki... right away, I could feel how sad you were."

Perhaps he was just trying to comfort you, but perhaps he was actually right. There was no use in trying to predict how everyone would treat you. After all, you had been certain that Izuku would no longer want anything to do with you, yet here he was, holding your hand, and every bit as supportive as always.

Perhaps, even with all your flaws, you were still worthy of being accepted by others.

Neither of you said anything else for a while, and you were thankful for the silence. Just having Izuku here with you, being able to feel the warmth of his skin against yours, made all the difference. Even though you were still scared for what the future held, at the very least, it didn't seem entirely bleak anymore.

"Ah. There you are."

You weren't sure how much time had passed, and quite frankly, you might have drifted off from sheer mental exhaustion, but a deep voice snapped you back to attention.

It was Aizawa, and you thanked your lucky stars that he was still wrapped up in all those bandages, because you really, really didn't want to see what expression he was making right now.

Anxiety set in, and your shoulders started shaking. Izuku did his best to squeeze your hand tighter, and although he didn't voice any affirmations aloud, you could still feel the encouragement he was trying to convey.

"Sensei," you said, voice weak and unsteady. "I'm... so sorry. I don't know what else to say other than I messed up. I messed up so bad."

Aizawa's eyes narrowed slightly, and a soft, muffled sigh left his lips. "That's not what I came here for. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You had already won the fight, and since you're not the type to go overboard and intentionally hurt someone, it was obvious that you weren't entirely in control. What happened there? It's important that we understand."

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