05. shop till you drop

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That night, you dreamt of something terrible.

It hadn't been long since you'd been banished from your world, but it was clear that this nightmare was more than just homesickness. It was the manifestation of your conscious and subconscious fears, and now that you'd made a friend in Izuku, those fears felt like they were at risk of coming true.

The nightmare was disturbingly simple. At first, there was only darkness all around you, but the scene gradually began to fade in. Actually, you heard the sounds before you saw anything. It was an awfully familiar sound. The sound of blood being sucked straight from a person's body.

That person was Izuku, and his neck was drenched in blood to the point that you could hardly even make out his skin anymore. His green eyes were lifeless, wide open but unmoving. No part of him was moving, as a matter of fact. Even though his lips were slightly parted, no sound escaped. He was paler than you'd ever seen him look before.

In spite of all that, you kept on drinking his blood. You couldn't stop. It was just like when you'd nearly killed your friend back home, except this time, no one was here to intervene.

Izuku was dead, and it was all your fault.


You woke up gasping for breath in the middle of the night. It felt as though your entire body had been seized by tremors. When you blinked, a few tears slipped down your cheeks. You felt cold all over. Normally, you enjoyed cool sensations, but this was different. It was as if your blood had turned to ice. You were petrified by what you'd seen in your nightmare.

By what you might one day go on to do.

You swallowed, and it felt as though a big lump was stuck in your throat. It was okay. Just a nightmare. It didn't mean anything. You were just under a lot of stress right now, which was understandable, considering your entire life had been uprooted.

Still, you were too shaken up to go back to sleep right away, so you quietly crept out of the guest room, doing your best not to wake anyone. You ended up in the kitchen, where you poured yourself a glass of cold water. Quenching your parched throat helped you calm down a bit, although your fingers hadn't stopped shaking since the moment you'd woken up.


Apparently, you weren't the only one awake. Izuku stepped out of the bathroom and spotted you standing around. Before you could say anything, he was already walking over to you, and even though none of the lights were turned on, the faint moonlight coming in through the kitchen window must have allowed him to get a good look at your expression.

It didn't take long for panic to settle across his face. "I-Is everything alright? You... look like you've been crying. Oh! I'm really not trying to be insensitive or anything! I'm just a bit worried, that's all..."

You set your glass down and forced a smile. "I'm okay. I just had a pretty bad nightmare."

"That sucks," he mumbled sympathetically. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, I think I'm just overreacting. None of that stuff is real. I just need a few minutes to calm down, and then I'll be able to go back to sleep. Don't stay up on my account. I'd feel bad if you didn't get enough sleep because of me."

"It's really no bother. Unless you mind if I keep you company?"

"Go right ahead."

Instead of just standing there in the dark, you both headed towards the living room, turned on one of the lamps, then grabbed a seat on the couch. You hastily wiped at your eyes before meeting Izuku's gaze again. You didn't know just how upset you looked right now, but you didn't want to worry him needlessly on top of everything else he was already doing for you.

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