14. aftereffects

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You wondered if you were ever going to see your family again.

Nearly a year had passed since you'd come to this world. During that time, you'd managed to keep your thirst for blood under control. There had been a few close calls, but every time you could feel your willpower slipping, you did your best to remember the feeling of your friend limp and bloody in your arms. You'd committed that horrifying scene to memory and used it to keep yourself in check. So far, it had worked.

In spite of all that though, you had yet to see any signs that your parents might allow you to return. They hadn't even really told you how any of this would work. How would they know that you were improving yourself during this banishment? Did they have a way of keeping an eye on you, even from an entirely different world?

You honestly had no clue, but either way, it looked like you were in for the long haul. You supposed one silver lining was that your parents had always been a bit standoffish towards their children, and affection was hard to come by. They weren't kind or loving the way Inko was. That was why you probably didn't miss them all that much.

Well, that and the fact that you had someone as amazing as Izuku by your side.

There were certainly moments where you found yourself thinking about your home and wondering how the rest of your family was faring, but for the most part, these were fleeting thoughts. What mattered was that you were happy, and not only that-you had an admirable goal, too. Becoming a hero.

The day of U.A's practical entrance exam was finally upon you. Throughout the past ten or so months, Izuku had been working like a madman to hone his body so that he was ready to inherit All Might's Quirk. You'd done a bit of physical training as well, but frankly speaking, the majority of your efforts were concentrated elsewhere.

Namely, studying.

The written exam would take place a few days after the practical portion, and you would've been lying if you said you felt confident about it. Apart from math, which you had no trouble with, you were still far from being an expert in Japanese history or the language itself. You just hoped that you would manage to at least pass, and that your performance on the practical exam would elevate your overall score.

Honestly, even though you didn't really know what to expect for the practical exam, you weren't too worried. It was true that you weren't as strong as back in your original world, but you definitely weren't weak either. You had faith in your ability to give it your all. It was really the least you could do, considering how hard Izuku had worked.

And now, he was reaping the fruits of his labor.

"You made it just in time!" All Might exclaimed. "And even cleaned up the beach until there wasn't a speck of trash left! Incredible work, really!"

You clapped your hands, grinning ear-to-ear. "He's right. And you look really good shirtless!"

"Eek!" Izuku squealed, instinctively using his arms to cover his body. He was already bright red, although you'd expected no less. "Y-You shouldn't say things like that!"

"Why not? You have muscles now."

"But still..."

"You're finally worthy of being called a proper vessel," All Might hummed, lightly slapping the boy on the back.

Izuku sniffled, a few tears rolling down his cheeks. "It... kind of feels like I cheated. You helped me so much, All Might. I've really been blessed..."

"No," you frowned. "It's because you worked so hard. And All Might wouldn't have chosen you as his successor if you weren't fit for the role. Don't cry, Izuku. You deserve this."

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