23. needlessly edgy

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"[N-Name]?" Izuku spluttered. "You... know these people?"

"Just the extra stinky one at the front," you said. "I ran into him at the arcade. He's really good at all the games because he's a no-life."

Before Izuku or any of your other classmates could speculate any further, Aizawa let out a resounding cry.

"Everyone, get back!" he urged. "This isn't part of the training exercise! Those are villains!"

Huh? Villains?

It wasn't like Aizawa hadn't deceived you before. After all, he'd joked about expulsion during the whole Quirk Assessment thing. But based on the frantic expression he wore, you got the sense that he wasn't making this up.

If those people that had suddenly appeared really were villains, then that meant...

"Dude!" you fumed, more so annoyed than afraid. "What gives, you stinky bastard? I thought we were cool! What are you crashing our field trip for?"

Shigaraki shook his head in disbelief. "You've seriously got a screw loose. Even at a time like this, you're as stupid and carefree as always. Also, it's your fault for trusting me. I threatened to kill you one more than one occasion. You're the one who chose not to believe me."

Izuku was gaping at you, horrified by what he was hearing, and you could only shrug in response.

"Well, he's right about that," you acknowledged. "He did say he would kill me. I figured he was just joking around, though."

Poor Izuku looked like he was ready to faint, but he didn't exactly have time to press you for all the details. There was a very real threat right in front of your eyes. Countless villains were slowly approaching, and you doubted they had any qualms about hurting a bunch of children.

"We were supposed to have alarm sensors set up, but they were able to completely bypass them!" Thirteen exclaimed.

"It might be one of their Quirks," Shouto said. "More importantly, this was clearly planned out. They waited until we were away from the school building to attack. There might even be more villains that have gone to attack other parts of campus."

"Thirteen, start evacuating the students," Aizawa instructed, and for some reason, he'd put his goggles on. "Try calling the school as well. Kaminari, you've got an electric-type Quirk, so you should give it a try too. We need to get in contact with the other heroes as quickly as possible!"

Aizawa seemed to be inching towards the villains, and you finally put two and two together.

"Sensei, are you going to fight them?" you asked.

"Y-You can't!" Izuku insisted. "There's way too many of them for you to take on all by yourself!"

Izuku wasn't the only one who looked incredibly worried, but despite the other students' concerns, Aizawa was unwilling to be deterred. He loosened the cloths around his neck, ready to use them as a weapon, then rushed down the stairs headfirst towards the villains.

To be honest, you still weren't all that scared. There were a lot of villains, sure, but they kind of looked like small fry. Aizawa had already begun fighting them, and he seemed to be outmaneuvering them with ease. Plus, Thirteen was going to evacuate all of you and get help, so soon enough, other pro heroes would get here.

"All Might will hear about this and come take care of these guys," you tried to reassure everyone. "There's no point in panicking."

Unfortunately, your hopes were rather short-lived, because Izuku tapped you on the shoulder and leaned in to whisper in your ear.

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